- Ma Yun wants brooklet of Jiang trickling sluggishly to collect the sea. 馬雲要將涓涓細流匯成大海。」
- The trees are growing up luxuriantly and the spring water begins to pour trickling sluggishly. 時而沿著蜿蜒的溪水進入山谷,時而循著崎嶇的小路走過山丘。
- Perhaps there are so much wailing wind and noisy weeping rain in the world that I have tender feelings trickling sluggishly from the very heart of the earth calmly. 或許世間有太多太多的凄風,太噪太噪的苦雨。我才坦然從大地的心底,涓涓地流出萬種柔情。
- My thoughts, Like melting glaciers in March, Trickling sluggishly; Like limpid streamlet, Flowing merrily through your spring. 我的思念;如三月里的冰河舒緩的吟唱我的思念;如清澈的溪流快樂地流過你心泉的波浪。
- Motherly love like mountains, fatherly love is the sea, the parents love the small stream trickling sluggishly as if nourishing my Xintian. 母愛似山,父愛是海,父母之愛猶如涓涓的細流滋潤著我的心田。
- Not only make the watercourse constantly sent trickling sluggishly being clean, but the toilet, and spills into the water system from debris around, the way open, begin smoothly. 不僅可以使上水道不斷送來涓涓清流,還能使馬桶、地漏等下水系統擺脫雜物纏繞,一路暢通,嘩嘩順暢。
- A great river great river of a surging forward with great momentum, from western the trickling sluggishly brooklet below snow mountain, began them endless and never listless expedition. 一條條波瀾壯闊的大江大河,從西部雪山下的涓涓細流,開始了它們漫長而又永不倦怠的遠征。
- Blood was trickling out of a cut near his ear. 血從他耳邊的傷口往外滴。
- Summer visitors are now trickling home. 避暑客現在開始陸陸續續地回家。
- American media evaluation says, yahoo company tall valve runs away by original " trickling sluggishly brooklet " turn into " billow onrush " , because manage a group to all break; 美國媒體評價說,雅虎公司高管出逃由最初的「涓涓細流」變為「滾滾洪流」,一方面因為治理團隊對公司最高層信心盡失;
- These tablets make me feel rather sluggish. 我吃了這些藥片感到睏倦無力。
- The act or condition of trickling. 滴,淌滴落或流淌的行為或狀態
- A person regarded as dull-witted or sluggish. 庸人,笨蛋被認為遲鈍的或獃滯的人
- He would try to awake their dormant and sluggish faculties. 這位教授應該試圖喚醒他們沉睡和懶散的天賦。
- Tears were trickling down her cheeks. 淚水不斷地從她的面頰淌下來。
- The flurry is trickling ceaselessly. 瀝瀝的小雨下個不停。
- This wide and sluggish river was the Coppermine. 這條緩緩而流的寬闊大河就是科珀曼河。
- Some cities have been sluggish in their provision. 有些城市在作出規定方面行動遲緩。
- Blood was trickling from his mouth. 鮮血從他嘴裡一滴一滴地流出來。
- We washed faces in a sluggish stream. 我們在一條緩緩流動的小溪里洗臉。