any of several Old World herbs of the genus Medicago having small flowers and trifoliate compound leaves
a plant of the genus Trifolium
an architectural ornament in the form of three arcs arranged in a circle
用作名詞 (n.)
The taste is crisp with light traces of trefoil and tones of mint and pepper. 口感清爽,帶有淡淡的車軸草味道及薄荷和胡椒的色調。
Single core cable shall be installed in either trefoil or flat formation and secured using cleats. 單芯電纜可以用三葉草法或者平直法植入.
This rhodium plated cross necklace features a cross with lilies and a descending dove trefoil in the middle. 這款鍍銠十字項鍊以百合覆蓋十字架,中央有一隻向下飛的鴿子及三葉草圖樣。
The bar tracery of the parallel English Decorated style formed netlike patterns based on the circle, arch, trefoil, and quatrefoil. 平行的英國裝飾風格的欞條窗花格以圓圈、拱形、三葉形和四葉形為基礎,形成網狀圖案。
Protein bodies degrade before starch and aDNA hydrolysis, which mainly occurs at the trefoil stage. 蛋白體首先發生降解, 其大量降解主要發生在幼苗三葉期。