動詞 treat:
interact in a certain way
subject to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or remedying a condition
provide treatment for
act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression
provide with a gift or entertainment
provide with choice or abundant food or drink
engage in negotiations in order to reach an agreement
regard or consider in a specific way
用作名詞 (n.)
- Boiling is always a good way of treating water.
燒開一直是水處理的一種好辦法。 - So was their only real work, treating blisters and the like.
- treating tank 浸漬桶
- surface treating 表面處理
- double treating 淬火回火處理,二次處...
- treating cylinder 處理罐
- solution treating 溶液處理
- flavour treating 調味
- single treating 淬火操作單一處理...
- dip treating 浸漬處理
- batch treating 分批處理
- acid treating 酸處理
- treating water 處理水
- treating process 精製過程
- electrical treating 電處理
- flame treating 火焰處理
- continuous treating 連續精製
- agitator treating 攪拌洗滌