- To treat badly or contemptuously. 惡劣或輕蔑地對待
- Perhaps you think you're being treated unfairly. 或許你認為我對你不太公平?
- I do think I was treated unfairly, but I've said my last word on the subject so we can forget about it, if you don't mind. 我的確認為我遭到了不公平的待遇,但是對這個問題我已表了態。如不介意,我們可以忘卻此事。
- Everyone feels resentment at being treated unfairly. 每個人都會為受到不公平的待遇而感到憤慨。
- It makes my blood boil to see children being treated badly. 看到有人虐待兒童,我就怒火升騰。
- They knew they'd been given a raw/rough deal(= been treated unfairly). 他們知道自己受到了不公正待遇。
- To treat badly; harm. 粗暴對待;損害
- People who treat us badly or unfairly. 有人會待我們不好,對我們不公道。
- If you feel that you are being treated unfairly at work, please file a complaint with the personnel department. 如果你覺得在工作上受到不平等的待遇,請去函向人事部門提出抱怨。
- We suddenly understand what it means to be caged, treated unfairly, may be at times, non-humanely. 先知籠中的感受,先明白乜嘢叫不平等對待,感受到不人道為何物。
- How could you treat her so badly? Shame on you! 你怎麽能待她那麽壞? 真可恥!
- She felt she had been treated unfairly, and she was in all but subdued in her tearfulness. 她很委屈,止不住暗泣。
- If they felt I had been treated badly they might decide to sit out the election. 如果他們感到我受到了不應有的待遇,他們定會在此次選舉中袖手旁觀。
- I do think I was treated unfairly,but I've said my last word on the subject so we can forget about it,if you don't mind. 我的確認為我遭到了不公平的待遇,但是對這個問題我已表了態。如不介意,我們可以忘卻此事。
- One party state. Attempt at a totalitarian society. A paranoid world view. A feeling that the mother country is innocent and treated badly. 一黨獨裁.;極權主義的社會的嘗試
- Are famous people treated unfairly by the media? Should they be given more privacy, or is the price of their fame an invasion into their private lives? 公眾人物是否得到大眾傳播媒體的不尊重?他們是否該擁有隱私權,他們隱私權之被侵害是否正是因其名該付出代價?
- Latrell Sprewell of the Minnesota Timberwolves says he was treated unfairly by a police officer during a traffic stop this week. 明尼蘇達森林狼隊的斯普雷威爾說,在近日的一次交通阻塞中,他受到了警官不公平的對待。
- People who feel they are treated unfairly, including in the home and community, may have a higher risk of developing heart disease, a study says. 一份研究說,覺得自己遭受不公平對待的人,包括在家裡與社區中,可能有較高的風險罹患心臟疾病。
- But if they believe that you are being treated badly, for example that you are repeatedly beaten by an adult, they must report this to the social welfare service. 但假如他們懷疑你被人傷害,譬如是有那個成人經常打你,那他們一定要告訴社會福利局。
- MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- Latrell Sprewell of the Minnesota Timberwolves says he was treated unfairly by a police officer during a traffic stop this week. 明尼蘇達森林狼隊的斯普雷威爾說,在近日的一次交通阻塞中,他受到了警官不公平的對待。