- Reading is the key to the treasure house of ideas. 讀書是打開知識寶庫的鑰匙。
- The picture on the wall is crooked. 掛在牆壁上的畫是歪的。
- Let him seek peace and ensue it! 讓他去追求和平並為和平而奔波吧。
- The plaintiff is seeking remedy through the court. 原告通過法院請示獲得救濟。
- Oh, I'm sorry. I can't lay hands on the treasure. 噢,很遺憾,我找不到這寶物。
- I wouldn't sell that picture for all the world. 我無論如何也不賣那幅畫。
- I have been seeking it all round. 我一直在四處尋找它。
- She laid the picture face downward on the table. 她把那幅畫正面朝下放在桌上。
- My friend gave me his picture as a memento before going away. 我的朋友在離別前給我一張照片留作紀念品。
- I treasure up my father's dying words. 我銘記父親的遺言。
- The picture is much clearer with the new aerial. 裝上新天線后畫面清晰多了。
- They went to the cave in quest of hidden treasure. 他們到山洞去尋找寶藏。
- In the picture a man is seen observing a meter. 你在圖中可以看見一個人在觀察儀錶。
- The gallery is a treasure trove of medieval art. 這個畫廊是中世紀藝術的寶庫。
- The edges of the picture have been lapped over. 這張照片的邊已經翻折起來了。
- The pirates buried their treasure. 海盜埋藏了他們的財寶。
- We must find a place for this new picture. 我們必須找一個地方放這張新照片。
- The picture dredged up the sad facts of his past. 這幅畫使他想起傷心的往事。
- States seek to become stronger through alliance. 各國力求通過結盟而更加強大。
- The bevel of that picture frame was damaged. 那個鏡框的斜角已被損壞了。