- Be willing to travel extensively. 需要頻繁出差。
- He traveled extensively to escape from boredom. 他到處旅遊以解煩悶。
- Willing to travel extensively and work on a home-office base. 適應經常出差,接受在家辦公的工作。
- Availability to travel extensively with the Area Managers in Mainland China. 能隨區域銷售經理到中國大陸的任何地區出差。
- He has travelled extensively in Europe. 他遍游歐洲各地.
- William will travel extensively to the Far East while developing marketing channels for Bentley. 在為本特利公司開發銷售渠道的同時,威廉姆斯將廣泛地到遠東公幹。
- Travel extensively to gain market intelligence, and seek new business in Northeast. 進行經常性的商務差旅以獲取市場信息,以及在東北區域開發新業務.
- Be passionate, self-motivated, target-oriented with high responsibility and willing to travel extensively. 熱情,自我激烈,結果為導向,有高度責任感,願意經常在外出差。
- Turner travels extensively in the process of curating each MIAF. 透納在規劃每一屆墨爾本國際影展時,都廣泛地在全界各地旅行。
- As Chui had to travel extensively, Mrs Chui was compelled to resign from her job so she could take care of the family and the two sons. 因為他經常出外公幹,徐太只好辭去自己的工作,專心照顧家庭和兩個兒子。
- All candidates must have a good command of written &spoken English, competent P.C. skills, able to travel extensively and can work under pressure. 所有應聘人員均要求具備良好的英語聽說寫能力、熟悉使用電腦,能經常出差並能承擔一定的工作壓力。
- All candidates must have good communication skill, competent P.C. skill; can work under pressure and willing to travel extensively or based on Project site. 所有應聘人員均要求具備良好的溝通能力、熟悉使用電腦,能夠承擔一定的工作壓力並願意時常出差或常駐在工地現場。
- And the customer ignore is at which railroad train up,can use the same user's name debarkation,this carried out to open an account once,travel extensively anywhere. 而且用戶不管是在哪一趟列車上,都可以使用相同用戶名登陸,從而實現了一次開戶,隨地漫遊。
- The first European who had travelled extensively in China was Marco Polo. 第一位足跡遍布大半個中國的歐洲人叫馬可·羅。
- If signals can travel extensively through astrocyte circuits, then glia at one site could activate distant glia to coordinate the firing of neural networks across regions of the brain. 如果訊號可以全面傳送到整個星狀細胞線路,那麽在某一處的神經膠細胞,就可以活化遠處的神經膠細胞,進而協調不同腦區中神經網路的活動了。
- Since then, I've purchased a house, traveled extensively, and purchased a property in Montana. 此後,我買了房子、到世界各地旅遊,更在蒙大拿置產。
- He told me that he travelled extensively all around the world and almost weekly within Asia. 他告訴我他經常周遊列國,亞洲區更幾乎每周飛行。
- Originally from Ghana, Mr Coleman travelled extensively with his parents and four brothers. 原本來自迦納,高理曼先生游廣泛與他的父母和四個兄弟。
- Herodotus travelled extensively around the ancient world, conducting interviews and collecting stories for his book. 希羅多德廣泛地遊歷了遠古世界,進行訪談並著書收集故事。
- Dr Ritchie has done many post doctoral courses and travels extensively to study with the world』s best Chiropractors. 瑞奇醫生完成了許多博士的課程,並且廣泛遊學於世界各地,跟隨世界上最好的脊椎矯正師們學習。