- Telesales can transfer the customer』s purchase request to the dealers and provide onsite delivery. 對於大客戶和經銷商,採用服務代碼識別,可以優先得到服務。
- The Chinese community reacted with fury towards MCA's purchase of Nanyang Press. 不過,馬華的收購行動受到華社的強烈反對。
- Bank of America』s purchase of Merrill Lynch and Lloyds TSB』s takeover of HBOS have been horror stories. 美國銀行對美林和英國勞埃德銀行的收購非常失敗。
- Additionally, FBMP's purchase of copies added to print runs will lower publishers' per unit printing costs. 此外,第一書市的購買擴大了印量,也將降低出版商的單位印刷成本。
- In general, the device controller will request bus mastership and once this has been obtained will transfer one or more data items. 一般來說,設備控制器將請求公共汽車精通和,一旦這獲得了轉移一個或更多數據項。
- Facebook 's purchase of FriendFeed, an obscure social media platform, is potentially momentous. 形容詞隱藏的,隱匿的;不引人注目的;偏僻的;不出名的,無名的
- If I am wanting to transfer one of my characters from one server to another, I go look at the prices of epics on my current server. 我不知道一個人的一生可以有多少個十年可以給另一個人。愛可以是一瞬間的事情,也可以是一輩子的事情。
- In the paper, the price mechanism of regulating the retailer』s purchase price was taken to equipoise the both parties』 profit in the supply chain. 通過調節零售商採購價格的激勵機制,調節供應鏈中供求雙方的收益。
- Because if you want , leave, nobody will change, A salary that cloth give, what Berlusconi gave too arises, Milan will never transfer one's own sportsmen because of money . 因為如果你想留下,沒有人會改變,阿布給的工資,貝魯斯科尼也給的起,米蘭也從來不會因為錢而轉讓自己的球員。
- But in the end American regulators approved JBS's purchase of Swift, just as they approved the Pilgrim's Pride transaction in mid-October. 但最終美國監管機構還是批准了JBS收購Swift的交易,今年10月中旬又批准了併購Pilgrim』Pride的交易。
- Capital gains taxes, however, must be paid on 「munis」 when the bonds mature or if they are sold for more than the investor』s purchase price. 然而必須在債券到期日,或投資者以高於債券買入價出售債券時交納資本利得稅。
- Cameron certifies that the products furnished for the order identified above meet the customer's purchase order requirements of the areas marked on this certification. 本公司保證:依前述訂單而提供的產品,符合客戶的訂單要求,要求項目如本證明書標示;
- August 21 this year, Hong Kong-listed Shui On Construction and Materials Company a notice to the PCPD's purchase price is approximately 118 million U.S. dollars to the project public body on the 4th. 今年8月21日,香港上市公司瑞安建業公告,向盈科大衍地產公司作價約1.;18億美元購入工體四號地項目。
- I said that all faction leaders should be transferred and that if new ones appeared, they should be transferred too. If we transferred one every day, that would make 365 a year. 我說凡是幫派頭子,有一個調開一個,再出一個再調開,一天調一個,一年調三百六十五個。
- However, it would face less fallout from transferring one of the MICA missiles it bought from France to use on its Mirage fighter jets. 然而,阿聯酋將面臨來自運輸來的一枚「雲母」導彈的放射塵,該導彈是阿聯酋購買自法國,用於其「幻影戰士」號噴氣式飛機的。
- I said that all faction leaders should be transferred and that if new ones appeared,they should be transferred too. If we transferred one every day,that would make 365 a year. 我說凡是幫派頭子,有一個調開一個,再出一個再調開,一天調一個,一年調三百六十五個。
- There is also no distinct connection in consumer ethnocentrism and consumer』s purchasing responses. 同時也發現,文化認同與消費者民族中心主義之間並無顯著的關聯,消費者民族中心主義與產品購買意向也無顯著的關聯。
- More and more investor is it buy with gambling different financial item to go to transfer one's own savings to want, the index that the head wants to beat constantly from head to foot in a whole day too is always the more cumbersome. 越來越多的投資人就非要把自己的積蓄轉而去買跟賭博沒兩樣的金融商品,腦袋也就一整天想著上下不斷跳動的指數,越老越笨。
- He intends to transfer the property to his son. 他打算把財產轉讓給兒子。
- Transfer one's affections/one's allegiance,ie become fond of/loyal to sb.else 轉移愛心[忠誠](至另一對象).