- Her tragic story touched us all deeply/touched our hearts with sorrow. 她的經歷很悲慘,我們都深受感動[我們都很傷心]。
- The tragic story of Abelard and Heloise has resonated through the ages. 阿伯拉爾和埃洛伊絲的悲劇故事世世代代回蕩在人們心裡。
- It tells the tragic story of the romantic but empty-headed Emma Rouault. 它熄滅了讓人不切實際的幻想光環,令人看見底下黯然的真相。
- Previously, the major risk factors were IDUs and the tragic story of blood donation in central China. 最開始,發病人群主要是靜脈吸毒者以及那些可憐的靠賣血為生的中部地區人民。
- The tragic story he had just told still stirred my heart; I suddenly felt that every deep wrinkle upon his face was a record of extreme sorrow. 剛才他講的那沉痛事兒還在我心窩兒中隱隱作痛,我忽然感到老人臉上的每一條深深的皺紋,都記載著無窮的悲哀。
- Created as the middle section of a three-part trilogy, 'Malevolence' is the tragic story of a group of bank robbers on the run from the law. 作為一個三部曲中間的一部,《怨恨》講述的是一群銀行劫匪妄圖逍遙法外的悲劇故事。
- But all this is to be attained by Hardy"s superb art of writing interweaving every description or meditation into a tragic story. 所有這一切都是通過哈代高超的寫作技巧,將每一處描述,每一個深思熟慮融入到一個悲劇故事中,得以實現。
- It was his masterpiece, a big, angry novel telling the tragic story of the travels of poor farmers from the dusty plains of Oklahoma to the fertile valleys of California. 這是他的傑作,是一部飽含著憤怒的長篇小說,寫的是貧苦農民從風沙迷漫的俄克拉何馬州平原流落到富庶的加利福尼亞州谷地的悲慘故事。
- They retold the tragic story mixed with love and hatred in a fresh new modern barlet style, which elevated the immortal masterpiece to a even higher level. 阿爾伯塔芭蕾舞團以現代芭蕾舞的風格把這個愛恨交織的悲劇故事重新演繹,把這部不朽的名著提高到無聲勝有聲的境界。
- What decision they reached has been lost to history, but the conclusion of this terrible chain of events is engraved deeply in the tragic story of the Imperium's darkest hour. 他們的決議已經無人知道了,但是整個事件被當作一件恥辱被深深的埋藏了起來。
- Published in 1970,the novel tells a tragic story of a black little girl who,living in a north urban town in 1940s,prays for the bluest eye and finally falls apart into madness. 作品講述20世紀40年代美國北方的一個黑人女孩夢想有雙藍眼睛而最終精神失常的悲劇故事。
- Hers is a tragic story. 她的經歷十分悲慘.
- French author Victor Hugo's classic 1831 novel, set in 15th century Paris around the cathedral of Notre Dame, tells the tragic story of a deformed bell ringer Quasimodo and his love for a beautiful gypsy girl Esmeralda. 法國作家維克多-雨果的這部作於1831年的名著以15世紀的巴黎聖母院為背景,講述了關於醜陋的敲鐘人加西莫多以及他對美麗的吉普賽女郎埃斯梅拉達的愛慕的悲慘故事。
- BRIAN JACKSONTracy McGrady lived with Darfur's displaced people in Chad where he heard the refugees' tragic stories in their own words. 和達爾福爾被轉移的人們居住在一起,聽難民用他們原始的話講述他們的悲慘經歷。
- Caption :But the path to Europe is filled with tragic stories - none more so than Camara, from Guinea, whose Italy-bound convoy was raided by Chadian bandits. 描述:到歐洲的路上充滿了悲劇,但沒人比幾內亞的卡馬拉更慘。
- The reporter had a red-hot story. 那個記者掌握著最新消息。
- I had to listen to the whole nauseating story. 我不得不從頭到尾聽那令人作嘔的故事。
- She looked away from the tragic scene. 她掉過頭去,不忍看那一幕慘象。
- Pagonis says each of the eight pilot countries surveyed had their own tragic stories to tell. While the refugee situations differ, Pagonis says they share a sense of common deprivation. 帕格尼絲說,接受調查的八個國家各有悲慘的情況。儘管難民的處境各有不同,但是他們共同之處就是,他們喪失了一切。
- The famous politician died in a tragic accident. 那位著名的政治家死於一場悲慘的意外事故。