- Tracing it to its cause, stateowned forest resource property right system not only is the key reason that causing problems, but also the starting point and the goal. 究其原因,國有森林資源產權制度是產生問題的關鍵,也是解決問題的出發點和最終歸宿。
- The relation of a result to its cause. 因果關係結果與其原因之間的關係
- In a single day wind can whirl it to its end. 一朝飄泊難尋覓。
- Try and reduce it to its simplist essentials. 盡量使之精練。
- The situation was considered with a view to its cause and its effect. 從因果兩方面對形勢加以考慮。
- God gives food to every gird, but he never throws it to its nest. 上帝讓每隻鳥都有蟲吃,但他不會把蟲子自動投入進鳥巢中。
- Returns it to its original state after being customized. 在自定義配置后將配置返回到原來的狀態。
- Returns policy to its default state and persists it to disk. 使策略返回到其默認狀態並將其保持到磁碟上。
- When Zephyr Spirit blocks, return it to its owner'shand. 當輕紗精靈進行阻擋時,將它移回其擁有者手上。
- You only need to know how to bring it to its fullest potential. 你只需要知道該如何帶著它到它最完整的潛能。
- Set up safety stock system in JDE for C level parts/Consumable to reduce purchasing work. And daily trace it to make sure correctness. 針對C等級部件/消耗品建立安全庫存以減少採購工作.;並且進行日常跟蹤;
- Stress should be comprehended, its cause abandoned, its cessation realized, and the path to its cessation developed. 應當去理解張力、除其因、現其止息、養止息之道。
- It could cause more harm than add to its glamor. 最終將會導致弊大於利。
- The court ordered the people living in the house to restitute it to its rightful owners. 法庭命令住這房子的人把房子歸還其合法的主人。
- Tracing to its cause,besides of the chasing benefit behavior of each participant,it s relational to personal morality and the relevant institution. 究其原因,除了各方參與者逐利行為外,還與個人品德是否高尚、社會相關制度完善與否休戚相關。
- I'll send the maid round to carry it to your house. 我將派女僕把它送到你家去。
- When I notice myself feeling the urge to ingest an excessive amount of sugar, caffeine, or idle entertainment, I can trace it to an emotional storm that I』m having difficulty dealing with. 當我看到自己因為衝動而攝取過多的糖,咖啡因,或觀看無聊的娛樂表演時,我可以追蹤到我難以處理事情的這樣一種情緒風暴。
- The wind veered from its cause to our favor. 風已轉向對我們有利。
- She gave it to me straight from the shoulder. 她坦誠地批評我。
- They tried to trace the rumour to its source. 他們試圖追查謠言的根源。