- Township government clearance in tamarind. 鄉政府駐望子關。
- Cool cool Zhen Village in the township government. 清涼店鎮鎮政府駐清涼店村。
- Sook sook villages in the village of the township government. 淑村鎮鎮政府駐淑村。
- These houses used to be the offices of the township government. 這幾間房子曾是鄉公所的辦公地點。
- Is benzilan resident township government for the Tibetan located. 是奔子欄鄉政府駐地,為藏族聚居區。
- Such township governments are really models. 這樣的鄉政府,是真正模範的鄉政府。
- We will accelerate reforms of county and township government institutions. 加快推進縣鄉機構等配套改革。
- Ting a high official in the rural township government officialting cun . 大官亭鄉鄉政府駐大官亭村。
- Under this law, the Bureau of Anti-Corruption had to seek government permission in respect of an enquiry or investigation against any government servant. 這項法令未修訂前,反貪局必須先獲得政府批准,才可查問或調查任何公務員。
- All Zhangweixin in Hopewell Township, the township government Zhangcun. 合漳鄉鄉政府駐合漳村。
- His success was about the legacy he left, the memetic continuity of his ideals that grew beyond the smallness of a ill-paid, unrecognized government servant』s world. 作為一個默默無名低收入的政府小職員,他能夠擁有自己的世界觀,超越了他現實中生存的環境,這便是他留給我們的「成功」。
- Bro. Jeevanandham who was a Government Servant was later transferred by the Government Department to Thiruvothiyur. As a result of the transfer, he also moved his residence to Thiruvothiyur. 基瓦南亨弟兄是一位公務人員,之後被調職到迪魯渥狄攸,於是便舉家遷移當地。
- The government servants aren't allowed to accept rewards. 公務員不得接受酬謝。
- Ginkgo village "Tiankeng" after the incident, the villagers reported immediately to the township government. 白果村「天坑」事件發生后,村民們立即上報鄉政府。
- In another instance, three persons were starving, so the township government and the mutual-aid society immediately gave them rice. 有三個人沒有飯吃,鄉政府和互濟會就馬上捐米救濟他們。
- Batavia Township - Official information about township government offices, officials, and programs. 易易工作室-各種在線工具,站長網誌,以及多個應用項目。
- Yanchi township government in the village, 35 kilometers west of the county seat. 鄉政府駐鹽池村,東距縣城35公里。
- Township government bifurcated the resident Royal Village, 22 kilometers from the city. 鄉政府駐地王家岔村,距城22公里。
- Subcounty governments include municipal governments and township governments. 縣下的政府包括城市政府和鄉鎮政府。
- Township government in duo combined methysergide Tong, 107 kilometers away from the Maqu county. 鄉政府駐西麥朵合塘,距瑪曲縣城107公里。