- The top and bottom line of each column on the page should align. 版面每欄的頭一行和末一行要對齊。
- The game uses or so key of top and bottom. 遊戲用上下左右鍵。
- Eccentric top and bottom rollers in ring spinning. 細紗機上下羅拉偏心。
- Typical setup when miking the top and bottom of a snare drum. 在用頂麥和底麥錄製軍鼓時的標準設置。
- Applied to warping of the right, left, top and bottom. 適用於上。下。左。右的翹曲。
- Please ensure that both the top and bottom of this door are closed. 請確保此門上下關緊。
- The top and bottom color entries are set to black (0,0,0). 頂部和底部的顏色項是設置為黑色。
- Create the desired design on the top and bottom of the box. 在盒子的上部和底部隨意畫些自己喜歡的圖案。
- This assembly is installed between two elbows(top and bottom). 在頂部和底部兩個彎管間裝配。
- The top and bottom can be folded over and stuck down. 頂部和底部可以摺疊粘在一起。
- Containers of water are placed at the top and bottom of the cooler. 裝有水的容器放置在冷卻器的頂部和底部兩側。
- Does a quote also include top and bottom mounting plates? Or just the die set? 一般報價包括標準模架嗎?還是只有沖裁模?
- The top and bottom steel sheet and HPL are punched to form ventilation holes. 地板的上下鋼板和上表面貼面均沖制有通風孔。
- Parallel angles or lines run from important tops and bottoms. 平行角或平行線從重要的高點和低點開始起作用。
- For the quickest smokey eye, just line your top and bottom lash lines, then smudge and blend the liner onto your lids using your fingers. 想要快速炮製一雙煙熏眼,只需在上下眼睫毛的根部畫上眼線,然後用手指將其暈開。
- Fit for seding uniform size cartons in mass production line,Automatic flaps folding and,top and bottom sedling,Side belts driven, suitable for heavy duty operation. 詳細說明單規格紙箱適用。紙箱上蓋及后蓋自動折入,快速平壓不折角。側麵皮帶驅動,重負荷、易操作。標準規格品,零件隨時供應。
- I upgraded the firm's image, and customer and vendor relations, which subsequently increased the dollar volume and bottom line profits by 300%. 牢牢樹立了公司形象,以及客戶和賣方這間的關係,這樣反過來使得公司營業額及帳面利潤翻了三番。
- Both the top and bottom surfaces are black and the mid-plate is pea green. 上下表面為黑色,中間為水綠色。
- Bottom Cover Reinforced Plastic Glass with top and bottom decoration. 增強型玻璃彩色上下裝飾罩。
- At the top and bottom of a common feature of a dynamic equilibrium is reached. 底部和頂部有一個共同特徵,就是達成了一種動態平衡。