- Vacuous syndromes mainly include kidney and liver in Lower Jiao deffiency,spleen in Middle Jiao and stomach diffiency and heart in Upper Jiao diffency. 虛證多責之於下焦肝腎虧虛、中焦脾胃氣虛、上焦心陰不足。
- Line off the fen, jiao and yuan. 將分、角和元分行記下。
- Ninety yuan, six jiao and five fen. 請付90元6角5分。
- Your birth gives me hope and qI hope to give you happiness. 你的誕生帶給我希望,而我希望帶給你幸福。
- Many clinical studies showed that tonifying yin and qi,promoting blood flow to detoxicate had an important effect in treating th... 大量的臨床研究顯示,滋陰益氣、活血解毒法的恰當運用對本病的治療尤為重要。
- The Chinese medicine believed that poria cocus with its sweet taste and neutral properties expels dampness, invigorates the spleen and the stomach, relaxes the mind and replenishes the middle jiao. 中醫認為,茯苓味甘、淡,性平,能利水滲濕、健脾和胃、寧心安神,入心、脾、腎三經。自古以來,茯苓做為長壽保健食品的歷史超過兩三千年。
- Warming the middle jiao (digestive system), for cold and pain in the stomach, prefering warm and touch, vomiting due to coldness in stomach, diarrhea because of indigestion, low digestive function. 有溫中散寒的功能,用於脘腹冷痛,喜熱喜按,胃寒嘔吐,食滯泄瀉,消化不良等。
- The basic pathogenesis is failure of spleen in governing transportation and transformation, qi stagnation of middle energizer, and qi disease involving blood. 脾胃虛弱多為本病的發病基礎,基本病機為脾失健運,中焦氣機阻滯,久則由氣及血。
- Tonifying Fluid and Qi of Yang Ming 補益陽明津氣
- Article17 The basic unit of Renminbi is Yuan and the units of fractional currency of Renminbi are Jiao and Fen. 第十七條人民幣的單位為元,人民幣輔幣單位為角、。
- A dish of beef pie, four yuan and five jiao, a fish, three and five jiao and a soup, one and five jiao. 餐車一盤牛肉餅四元五,一條魚三元五,一個湯一元五。
- Lizhong Wan (Bolus for the Function of Middle jiao) 理中丸
- For indigestion , food retention and qi stagnation, diarrhea abdominal distension. 促進消化不良、食積氣滯、腹瀉、腹脹的康復。
- Among fifteenth document styles being used, he was not only good at biao, shu, jiao and army order, but also developed the styles such as tie, cheng, yu. 在諸葛亮所採用的15種公文文體中,有其擅長並深化者,如表、書、教、軍令;有其開創者,如貼、稱、諭等。
- Ba Huo Guan: it was found to be particularly effective in acesodyne, detumescence, improving blood and qi as well as eliminating toxin. 拔火罐拔罐療法具有活血、行氣、止痛、消腫、散結、退墊、祛風、散寒、除濕、拔毒等作用,能使經絡通暢,氣血旺盛,而達到治療疾病的目的。
- The martial dancers held Gan (shield) and Qi (axe), so the two dances were also called the "Gan-Qi Dance". 武舞持干(盾牌)戚(斧鉞)而舞,又稱干戚舞。
- Jiao and Ms Liu in "Peacock Flies towards Southeast".Lanzhi's obstinacy, Zhongqing's weakness and the ruthless and solitude of Jiao's mother are deeply intertwined. 蘭芝的倔強、仲卿的孱弱、焦母的暴戾和孤寂三者深深交織在一起。
- The martial dancers held Gan (shield) and Qi (axe), so the two dances were also called...e "Gan-Qi Dance". 武舞持干(盾牌)戚(斧鉞)而舞,又稱干戚舞。
- The clinical observation of using the method of toni-fying middle-jiao and qi to cure the geriatric coro- nary disease. 補中益氣法治療老年冠心病的臨床觀察
- The re-moving therapy is to use various methods to dredge meridians and qi activity and to clear collateral and qi. 通法,是運用各種方法疏通經脈,疏通氣機使經氣暢通的治療方法。