- Tokenand Token Passing Access Method; 令牌和令牌傳遞訪問方法;
- The problem of guaranteeing real-time message transmission in LTPB network, linear token passing bus, has been studied. 研究LTPB(線性令牌傳遞匯流排)在通信網路中保證消息實時傳輸的帶寬分配問題.
- Specifies the calling convention to use in passing method arguments. 指定用於傳遞方法參數的調用約定。
- Specifies the calling-convention values used in passing method arguments. 指定傳遞方法參數時使用的調用約定值。
- To avoid potential collisions when two or more nodes attempt to transmit at the same time.LANs use either contention and collision detection or token passing to regulate traffic. 當兩個或以上節點同時傳送時,為避免可能的衝突,區域網會用線路爭用及衝突檢測或者標記傳送來協調交通。
- Five types of access protocols in computer local area networks are studied in this paper,They are Carrir-sense multiple access with collision detection ( CSMA/CD ), Token passing bus,Token ring,Time-division multiple access and Polling. 本文研究了計算機局部網路的五種訪問協議:載波監聽多次訪問/衝突檢測(CSMA/CD)訪問方式、令牌匯流排訪問方式、令牌環訪問方式、時間分段訪問方式和查詢訪問方式。
- Token and Token Passing Access Methods 令牌和令牌傳遞訪問方式
- The definition can include additional information, such as the character set or the calling convention used in passing method arguments; by omitting this information, you select the default settings. 定義中可以包括一些附加信息,如在傳遞方法參數時使用的字符集或調用約定;如果省略這些信息,將選擇默認設置。
- The Application of Virtual Token Passing in Controlling System 虛擬令牌傳遞串列通訊方式在控制系統中的應用
- The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 這個方法似乎不錯,但需要試驗一下。
- His interest in photography is only a passing fad. 他對攝影的愛好僅是一時的興緻。
- He put up a token show of obedience. 他裝出一副順從的樣子。
- These flowers are a small token of my gratitude. 謹以此花聊表謝忱。
- recirculating single pass method 再循環單通道方式(透)
- He gave me a necklace as a token of his affection.. 他給了我一根項鏈作為愛情的象徵。
- Our troops encountered only token resistance. 我們的部隊僅受到表面上的抵抗。
- A white flag is used as a token of surrender. 白旗是用作投降的信號。
- He gave his wife a ring as a token of his love. 他送給妻子一枚戒指,作為愛情的信物。
- I sent her a gift as a token of my congratulation. 我給她寄去一件禮物表示祝賀。