- I'm committed not to violate the rules. 我有義務不違反規定。
- To violate a moral or divine law; sin. 違反道德或天條;犯罪
- To violate accepted moral standards; sin. 犯過失違反人們所接受的道德標準,犯罪
- To violate the holiness of; profaneor desecrate. 褻瀆妨礙羅馬教皇陛下;玷污或褻瀆。
- To violate the sacredness of;profane. 褻瀆褻瀆神聖;玷污
- He promised not to violate the regulations again. 他答應不再違犯規定。
- To violate the sacredness of; profane. 褻瀆褻瀆神聖;玷污。
- To violate the holiness of; profane or desecrate. 褻瀆妨礙羅馬教皇陛下;玷污或褻瀆
- But this function is censured to violate privacy. 但這項功能被指責侵犯隱私。
- To violate the holiness of;profane or desecrate. 褻瀆妨礙羅馬教皇陛下;玷污或褻瀆
- No one dares to violate military discipline. 無人敢冒犯軍紀。
- I would be very careful not to violate the rules, if I were you. 如果我是你,我會小心翼翼不犯規的。
- These test results appear to violate the laws of physics. 這些研究結果似乎是違反物理學定律的.
- These findings appear to violate the laws of physics. 這些研究結果似乎有違物理定律.
- I wouldn't want you to violate your artistic conscience. 我不會要你違背藝術良心。
- To fail to observe the constitution is to violate it. 不實行就是違反憲法。
- Can they be allowed to violate rules and regulations at will? 難道能容許他們隨心所欲地破壞規章制度嗎?
- "Role-playing" does not grant license to violate these rules. 「角色扮演」不能成為你違反任何規則的借口。
- Only Hitler was prepared to violate the neutrality of Belgium and Holland. 只有希特勒才處心積慮地要破壞比利時和荷蘭的中立。
- To punish those who knowingly and willfully attempt to violate civil tax laws. 懲罰故意違反稅收民事法者。