- Watch as it takes flight to soar across the sky. 當它在天空中翱翔的時候一定要注意看,
- Eg. He imagined to soar like an eagle. 他幻想著能象鷹一樣翱翔。
- The birthrate continues to soar. 出生率繼續劇增。
- He needed to soar into the clear, blue sky. 它渴望沖向明凈的藍天。
- To soar above the undulating palm fronds? 翱翔在波瀾起伏的棕櫚樹葉?
- Voice: raucous? Lost of voice due to soar throat? 8聲音:沙啞?喉嚨痛說不出來話?
- Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar! 閉上你的雙眼,讓你的靈魂開始飛翔!
- His imagination resemble the wing of an ostrich. it enabled him to run, though not to soar. 他的想象力有類於鴕鳥的翅膀—雖未可以飛翔,猶可使他賓士。
- Superhero movies are supposed to soar but most of these limp. 超級英雄電影照理來說應該一飛衝天,但是其中的大部分卻一瘸一拐。
- Her soul seemed to soar over the plain Aileen inhabited. 她的靈魂彷彿在愛玲居住地的上空翱翔。
- Sylphs are loners, content to soar the skies with the eagles. 精靈是獨居動物,喜歡象鷹一樣翱翔於天空。
- Is willing sadly to soar with the wind, joyfully shares with you. 願憂傷隨風飛翔,快樂與你分享。
- The leading to soaring of the prices. 這導致物價的飛漲。
- Close your eyes to permit your imagination to soar more freely. 閉上你的眼睛,讓你的想像力(插上翅膀)更加自由地翱翔。
- It's hard to soar with eagles when you've surrounded by turkeys. 當你周圍都是火雞時,你很難與雄鷹一起翱翔。
- Give me a pair of wings, I want to soar in the sky like a bird! 給我一雙翅膀,我要展翅飛翔!
- I'll have to let go of mind to soar in the wind and smile. 只好放空思想、微笑,在風中翱翔。
- St Century is the Century for Chinese Nation to Soar. 二十一世紀是中華民族騰飛的世紀。
- Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law needs some room to soar. 鳥人哈維:法律代理人需要一定的空間來爆發。
- It's difficult to soar with eagles when you work with turkeys. 當你跟王八蛋為伍,你就難隨高明人飛揚了。