- He managed to slip one or two good punches past his opponent's guard. 他趁對方不注意時狠狠地擊出一兩拳。
- I was unlucky to slip on a banana skin and fall over. 我真倒霉,踩在香蕉皮上滑倒了。
- The ladder I was standing on began to slip. 我站在上面的那個梯子開始滑動。
- Better to slip with the foot than with the tongue. 寧可失腳滑倒,不可隨口失言。
- to slip one's fingers on the keys 在鍵上快速滑動手指
- The ladder I stand on start to slip. 我站在上面的那個梯子開始滑動。
- Share has peaked and is beginning to slip back. 股價已達到最高點;現在正開始下滑.
- to slip one's creditor 躲債
- The dog tried to slip out of its collar. 那條狗力圖爭脫頸圈。
- He is trying to slip out of the pursuers. 他竭力擺脫追趕者。
- He stopped only long enough to slip a coat on. 他只停下來穿了一件外套。
- Connect the choke and kill lines to slip joint. 將放噴和壓井膠管與伸縮節連通。
- His wife tries to slip the bottle off the table. 他妻子想把桌上的酒瓶偷偷拿走。
- If you want to slip away,now's a good time. 如果你想溜走的話,現在正是好時機。
- I managed to slip a few jokes into my speech. 我設法在講話中穿插了幾個笑話。
- I managed to slip in a few jokes. 我設法穿插了幾個笑話。
- I managed to slip out the room unseen. 我總算偷偷地溜出了屋子。
- Do we need to slip the drilling line very often? 我們需要經常滑大繩嗎?
- The fox slipped one overt on the hounds and got away. 狐狸騙過了獵狗,溜掉了。
- It was that which caused your horse to slip. 是它讓您的馬摔倒的。