- He might think it polite to return the visit. 他可能認為回訪比較合乎禮儀。
- He neglected to return his income tax form. 他忽略了所得稅表格的申報。
- He went off to the war never to return alive. 他去參加戰爭,沒能活著回來。
- I promise to return your bicycle on good condition. 我答應一定完好無損地還你的自行車。
- I'm really longing to return home. 我確實渴望回家。
- The past epoch is gone, never to return. 過去的時代已經一去不復返了。
- So it looks as if she meant to return. 所以看樣子她要回來。
- We decided to return blow for blow. 我們決定以牙還牙。
- Exiles long to return to their native land. 流亡者們渴望回到自己的祖國。
- He neglected to return the book. 他忘了還書。
- They waited for the ferry to return. 他們等候渡船返回。
- She longed for her husband to return home. 她渴望丈夫早日歸來。
- He sent his son to return the books to the library. 他派他兒子把書還給圖書館。
- They were pining to return home. 他們渴望返回家園。
- I waited with growing uneasiness for her to return. 我等她回來時,心裡越來越不安。
- He yearned to return to his native land. 他渴望回到故鄉。
- Mission control ordered the spacecraft to return to earth. 指揮部命令宇宙飛船返回地球。
- Your mother is very grieved by your refusal to return home. 你離家不歸,你母親極為傷心。
- I feel cheap not being able to return their invitation. 我為自己沒能及時回請感到難為情。
- He was happy to return home after living overseas for two years. 生活在海外兩年後回到了家他感到愉快。