- Memory has been shown to reside in some metals. 已經證實,記憶存在於某些金屬中。
- If intending to reside in Ireland you must both plan to live together. 如果打算長期在愛爾蘭居留,夫妻雙方必須要打算住在一起。
- The body Is your temple. Keep It pure and clean for the soul to resIde In. 你的身體就是你心靈的廟宇。請保持身體的純凈,讓你的心靈安於其中。
- Willing to reside and work in Yangzhou, Jiangsu. 願意在江蘇揚州工作。
- With the exception of the security personnel, no other personnel shall be permitted to reside in the bonded area. 除安全保衛人員外,其他人員不得在保稅區內居住。
- And specially to brethren that reside in Denmark. 特別是給予那些位於丹麥的弟兄們。
- The Sumerians - the first cultural group to reside in Mesopotamia - left dream records dating back to 3100 BC. 閃族人-最初的文化群體居住在美索不達米亞-留下了夢的記錄追溯到公元前3100年。
- There is clear evidence, however, of the worship of sacred trees or of the divinities believed to reside in them. 然而,明顯的證據表明,聖樹的崇拜,或者是對神的信仰就在他們裡面。
- He lives with his parents, while the wife continues to reside in her precariously perched, upright half. 他和他父母居住,而他的妻子則不安全地繼續棲息在房子的右半部分。
- The offenders have played tricks to defraud money and used fake passports or invalid visas to reside in Shanghai. 持用假護照或無有效簽證,在滬非法居留。
- That he happens to reside in the welterweight division makes him all the more dangerous and much more intriguing. 而他恰好處在次中量級,這使得他對所有人都是更危險的,也更有吸引力的多。
- Merry was the first British minister to reside in the new American capital in Washington. 梅麗是第一位定居在美國新首都華盛頓的英國公使。
- The secret appears to reside in how the brain organizes its slow-acting electrical components. 秘密似乎在於人腦如何將其動作緩慢的電性零件組織起來。
- Aliens who seek asylum for political reasons shall be permitted to reside in Chinaupon approval by the competent authorities of the Chinese Government. 第十五條對因為政治原因要求避難的外國人,經中國政府主管機關批准,准許在中國居留。
- The power to declare war resides in Congress. 宣戰的權力屬於國會。
- Campers are required to reside in the camp. Application for leave is granted at the sole discretion of the Music Office. 營友須在營內住宿,營友如因特別事故申請離營,須經音樂事務處批准。
- The carry from bit3 to bit4 needed for adding packed binary coded decimal number correctly, where two binary coded decimal digits reside in one8-bit byte. 在兩個用二進位編碼的十進位數字同居於一個8位位元組內的情況下,為了正確地對裝配型二進位編碼的十進位數進行相加所需的從第3位到第4位的進位。
- Furthermore, stars tend to reside in very dusty environments because of the detritus from supernova explosions and other processes. 此外,超新星爆炸或其他的過程會產生許多灰燼,所以恆星往往藏匿在充滿塵埃的環境中。
- But if they hadn't, Catti-brie would not have wound up as Bruenor's adopted daughter, would likely not have come to reside in Icewind Dale at all. 但是如果他們沒有死,凱蒂布莉兒最終將不會成為布魯諾的養女,很可能根本不會來到冰風谷居住。
- An official appointed by a government to reside in a foreign country and represent his or her government's commercial interests and assist its citizens there. 領事由政府委派居住在外國,代表其國家政府的商業利益並幫助那裡的本國公民的一種官員。