- Beginners also rely heavily upon menus to learn and execute commands (see Chapter 22 for a detailed discussion about why this is true). 新手也依賴菜單來學習和執行命令(詳細的討論見第22章),可能菜單執行起來很慢,而且沉悶。
- Without tactical experience the US Navy had to rely heavily on war-gaming. 由於沒有實戰經驗,美國海軍在很大程度上只得依靠演習。
- No witnesses came forward-- any prosecution would have to rely heavily on forensic evidence. 沒有目擊者出證,作任何起訴很大程度只能依靠法醫的證據。
- In the 21 century , we will continue to rely heavily on ALL of our people contributing to the success of Brewster Wallcovering. 在21世紀,我們將更加依賴那些為布魯斯特牆紙的成功而做出貢獻的人們。
- Flexibility and rapid changeover are among the key benefits gained by Thiele』s decision to rely heavily on servo technology in its new packer. 靈活性和快速轉換的關鍵是利益所取得蒂勒的決定在很大程度上依賴伺服技術在其新的包裝。
- Poland will inevitably continue to rely heavily on coal, says Jerzy Buzek, an engineer who served as prime minister in 1997-2001 and is now a member of the European Parliament. 現任歐洲議會議員,曾於1997-2001年在波蘭前政府就職的JerzyBuzek表示,波蘭繼續嚴重依賴煤炭的勢頭不可避免。
- Relying heavily upon composition, lines and descriptive details, Renoir distinguished himself among his contemporaries. 單靠組成,線和大量的細節描述,雷諾阿尊敬他同時代自己。
- But things are quite different today.For provisions, arms and ammunition and miscellaneous equipment, our army has to rely heavily on supplies from the economically strong rear areas. 現在不同了,無論是軍需給養、武器彈藥、裝備器材,都得靠強大的後方供應。
- But things are quite different today.For provisions,arms and ammunition and miscellaneous equipment,our army has to rely heavily on supplies from the economically strong rear areas. 現在不同了,無論是軍需給養、武器彈藥、裝備器材,都得靠強大的後方供應。
- To achieve these, advertisement English has to rely heavily on its rhetorical charms through the use of figures of speech in the three aspects of language use, namely, phonetics, vocabulary, and syntax. 廣告英語的修辭魅力主要通過廣告英語語篇在語音、匯和句法三個層面的辭格運用來表現。
- In our country, development of AVI technology is still in its infancy. The AVI systems applied by domestic enterprises are still relying heavily upon import products. 我國AVI的發展起步較晚,目前國內企業所應用的AVI系統仍以國外產品為主。
- They continue to rely heavily on Kobe Bryant's playmaking abilities in fourth quarters of close games, a tendency that has produced victories but can also make their offense stagnant and predictable. 在難分難解的比賽第四節中,他們還是嚴重依賴著科比的得分能力,這種依賴總是能帶來勝利,但是這使得他們的進攻顯得單一,不夠活力。
- Another country keen on cellulosic ethanol is Sweden, which is relying heavily upon wood-based solid and liquid biofuels as part of its plan to wean itself off oil by 2020. 另一個在乎釺維乙醇的國家是瑞典。它相當期待木質固體和液體的生物燃料能為本國在2020年擺脫石油的計劃助一臂之力。
- The fact that the successful East Asian NICs relied heavily upon trade but at the same time had strong government intervention lends support to this argument. 在戰後後進國之中,東亞是唯一縮短了與先進國距離的地區,而東亞同時是貿易依存度特別高、也以政府干預產業政策主導經濟發展的地區,支持了上述的修正學派的理論。
- He grew increasingly to rely on her. 他越來越依賴她了。
- The pro bono network has provided critical suste¬nance to legal services and public interest groups, which have relied heavily upon pro bono resources to advance their agendas. 公益性服務網路為法律服務和公共利益團體提供了重要的給養,這些群體嚴重依賴公益性服務資源來推進其工作。
- They have to rely on the river for their water. 他們用水只好依靠這條河。
- The Eight-Valve Racer introduced (1916-1928). In the 1921 racing season alone, Harley-Davidson s Racing Team won every single national championship race relying heavily upon the Eight-Valve. 公司推出八氣門發動機賽車(1916-1928)。在1921年的摩托車賽季,哈雷戴維森車隊配備八氣門發動機的賽車所向披靡,獲得當年全國錦標賽的所有冠軍。
- Before liberation, taxes weighed heavily upon the people. 解放前,各種捐稅沉重地壓在人民身上。
- In default of expert's help, you'll have to rely on yourselves. 沒有專家的幫助,你們只好依靠自己了。