Not to protest is to connive at the destruction of the environment. 對於破壞環境的行為不加反對就等於縱容。
The people in our neighborhood are sending a round robin to the Air Force to protest the nice the jet planes make flying over our house. 我們這一帶的居民在向空軍部隊遞交一份有環形簽名的抗議書,就噴氣式飛機飛越我們住宅上空時產生的噪音問題提出抗議。
A person or group of persons present outside a building to protest. 示威抗議者駐紮在職業大樓之外進行示威的人或一群人
They are holding a rally to protest against the government's defence policy. 他們正舉行集會以抗議政府的防務政策。