- Before handing over to that person of antidotes, the boss forces him write to attempt to poison to death the confession bookof its wife, and sent this confession book to one of his friend. 在把解藥交給那人之前,老闆逼他寫了企圖毒死其妻的自白書,並將此自白書寄給了他的一位朋友。
- His dog has been poisoned to death. 他的狗已被毒死。
- How dare you! Your family was poisoned to death. 大膽刁婦,你一家十三口分明中毒而死。
- SUGGESTED INTENTION: 「I intend to release all agreements to poison another to death as made throughout my ancestry. 建議的意願:「我意願釋放我整個祖先史中給別人投毒到死亡的所有協議。
- I intend to release all agreements for others to poison me to death as made throughout my ancestry and can be perceived in my ascent to date. 我意願釋放在我至今提升中能被覺察到的、遍及我整個祖先史而讓別人來投毒我到死亡的所有協議。
- He thinks pornography is poison to young minds. 他認為色情會腐蝕年輕人的心靈。
- Someone tried to poison our dog. 有人想毒殺我們的狗。
- Four members of the family had been poisoned to death. 這家有四口人被毒死。
- She poisonned to death king and princess of that nation evilly. 她惡毒地把那個國家的國王和公主毒死了。
- The seedling was frozen to death. 幼苗被凍死了。
- The slave was strapped to death. 這個奴隸被鞭打死。
- The murderer was shot to death at a word. 謀殺者立刻被一槍打死。
- To poison or mix(food or drink) with a drug. 攙麻醉藥(或毒藥)於(食品或飲料)
- Without the help of the dwarfs, Snow White might have been poisoned to death by her stepmother who envies her beauty. 如果沒有他們的守護,白雪公主可能早已被妒忌她美麗的繼母毒死。
- You can identify when we are trying to poison you. 我們企圖下毒時,也瞞不過你啦。
- For wearing ream Sung pain and sufferings lifetime, she also poisons to death oneself's three childrens unexpectedly! 為著令伊阿宋痛苦一輩子,她竟然把自己的三個兒女也毒死了!
- Someone tried to poison our dog's food. 有人想在我們給狗吃的食物中下毒。
- The criminal was condemned to death. 這個罪犯被判死刑。
- Guards are more vulnerable to poison. 守衛們容易受毒攻擊傷害。
- He was clubbed to death with a butt of a gun. 他是被人用槍托毆打致死的。