- She stopped by just to pass the time of day. 她來串門只是為了打發時間。
- He happened to pass by there at that time. 他那時恰好從那裡路過。
- People who live in towns are often too busy to pass the time of day. 在城裡生活的人往往忙碌得連寒暄都顧不上。
- A long line of car is unable to pass that road hog. 一長串的車子無法超越那個擋道的汽車駕駛。
- He leapt aside in time for the car to pass. 他及時跳開讓汽車過去。
- He made motions to me to pass the pen. 他向我打手勢,要我把鋼筆遞給他。
- Collecting buttons is a lovely way to pass time. 收集鈕扣是一種令人愉快的消遣方法。
- He studied hard in an attempt to pass the exam. 他努力學習試圖通過考試。
- They chose to pass over her rude remarks. 他們對她的粗話不予理會。
- He repeatedly fails to pass the exam. 他考了多次都不及格。
- She is sure to pass the examination. 她一定會通過考試。
- She didn't like to pass her time in idleness. 她不願意閑著,讓時間白白度過。
- It is mother that brought the marriage to pass. 是母親促成這樁婚事的。
- He never cheats to pass examination. 他考試從不作弊。
- What can we do to pass the time ? 我們能做什麼來消磨時間?
- He opened the door and stood aside for her to pass. 他開了門,站在一邊讓她過去。
- Stand back to allow the procession to pass. 往後站,讓隊伍通過。
- How exactly did that come to pass? 那是怎麼發生的?
- The boss decided to pass over his slight mistakes. 老闆決定原諒他的小錯。
- That car tried to pass me on the inside. 那輛汽車試圖從道路的內側超過我。