- To overstate the value of(assets). 對資產高估過高估評(一筆資產)的價值
- It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. 難以用語言表達我的滿足。
- It is hard to overstate what is at stake. 現實情形之緊急,再怎麼誇張也不為過。
- Secondly, American decline is easy to overstate. 第二,美國的衰退被輕易誇大。
- It is possible to overstate the benefits of stabilization. 穩定性帶來的好處有可能被誇大。
- She was anxious to overstate her real social status. 她急於誇大自己的實際社會地位。
- He tends to overstate his case when talking politics. 他一談政治便流於夸夸其談。
- It is hard to overstate the magnitude of the turnaround. 其轉機的幅度之大,不論怎樣形容也不算過分。
- It is po ible to overstate the benefits of stabilization. 穩定性帶來的好處有可能被誇大。
- It is impossible to overstate the importance of good communication skills. 在現今的社會中,我們必須與他人合作。
- They said the Tamil Tiger would force them to overstate casualty figures. 他們說,塔米爾猛虎組織強迫他們誇大上網數字。
- The economic importance of the property sector in China is hard to overstate. 在中國,房地產行業的經濟重要性是難以用言語去表達的。
- But the material benefits of tourism for local residents are hard to overstate,especially for people long mired in poverty and desperate for a way out. 但是對地方性的居民觀光事業的物質利益是難誇大的敘述,尤其因為人們渴望在貧窮方面陷於泥濘和不顧死活為一個出路。
- But the plan, argues Mr Behrman, was cleverly designed and its positive effect hard to overstate. 但是貝爾曼辯解說這項計劃設計精細,很難準確評估它的正面效果。
- It is hard to overstate the extent to which greenery has penetrated official thinking in Norway. 要誇張溫室效應引發政府對其的思索是很困難的。
- Because OER is tied to rent, it might start to overstate homeownership costs, keeping CPI higher. 由於OER指標是與房屋租金掛鉤的,因此它反映的住房成本現在可能開始出現高估,從而對CPI起了推升作用。
- The temptation to belittle hardships and to overstate the possibilities of the future was great. 在此情況下,他們當然傾向於輕描淡寫所遇的困難,並誇大未來之前途。
- Because OER is tied to rent, it might start to overstate homeownership costs, keeping CPI higher. 由於OER指標是與房屋租金掛鉤的,因此它反映的住房成本現在可能開始出現高估,從而對CPI起了推升作用。
- It is not possible to overstate the intellectual and cultural richness that immigrants have brought to US campuses. 可以毫不誇張地說,移民豐富了美國校園的聰明和文化。他們與我們一起創造了我們的今天。
- The importance of this shift from a monolithic product to services is hard to overstate. 這種由整體化產品向一系列服務轉變的重要性再怎麼誇張都不過分。