- To overpower by superior force; overcome. 征服以較大的力量制服;征服,壓倒
- To overpower, as with emotion; affect deeply. 征服如以感情征服;使深受影響
- Police finally managed to overpower and arrest the gunman. 警察最終制伏並逮捕了持槍歹徒。
- Jesus has not come to make people do thing, to overpower them. 耶穌來,不是來差遣人做甚麽,或者要壓倒他們。
- The conductor tended to overpower her with aggressive dynamics(Thor Eckert,jr. 指揮打算用過分的力度變化壓倒她(小索爾·埃卡特)
- I do not think the German Air Force has the numbers or quality to overpower our air defences. 我不認為德國空軍在數量和質量上能擊潰我們的空防。
- The beeping of the bomb distracts Downey just long enough for Mahone to overpower him and escape with Linc. 炸彈發出的嘟嘟聲引開了丹尼的注意,馬宏趁這個機會,制服了他,並且帶著林肯逃離了。
- Never really had the ?? it was very hard to overpower him, I thought, where normally this is really my strength. 在最近幾年,他的發球也有很大的進步,另外意志上也比從前要堅強。
- It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts. 當一個人被給以機會倖免並壓倒一切消極思想時,這是積極思維所帶來的成效。
- This British ship was a 22 gun brig-sloop built to overpower American resistance on the Great Lakes during the American Revolution. 英國用的是一艘美國革命期間為了剋制在大湖上的美國居民用的22槍孔的單雙桅混合船隻。
- Sure enough, his reliable astromech droid, R2-D2, provided a mechanical distraction that allowed Anakin and Obi-Wan to overpower their guards and reclaim their weapons. 果然,他可靠的宇航技工機器人R2-D2分散了敵人的注意力,讓阿納金和歐比萬趁機制服衛兵,奪回了武器。
- "Let's Roll" was inspired by the words of passenger Todd Beamer, who made a call from the plane and told of the passengers' plan to storm the cockpit to overpower the terrorists. 對於中國人來說,9.;11可能是值得高興的日子。至少我們在上世政經的時候老師放錄像的時候我們都在歡呼。都對那架在郊外墜毀,可能撞白宮的飛機表示遺憾。
- This alignment caused the attractive force between the positive ends of the water molecules and the balloon to overpower the repulsive force between the negative ends of the water molecules and the balloon. 這是由於:水分子帶正電荷的一端與氣球之間的吸引力大於水分子帶負電荷的一端與氣球之間的斥力。
- The purpose of the other headquarters in stirring up the sinister wind and lighting the sinister fire was to overpower the open wind and put out the open fire, that is, to overthrow a large number of people. 他刮陰風,燒陰火,其目的就是要颳倒陽風,滅掉陽火,打倒一大批人。
- Enraged by the defilement of his people's sacred land, Ulfsaar is able to channel his fury into a series of extremely quick and brutal swipes, using his razor-sharp claws to overpower his foes and literally tear them apart. 因聖地遭污穢而被激怒的阿富瑟能夠將他的狂怒轉化成一連串極度快速且殘忍的猛擊,利用他剃刀般鋒利的爪子去擊敗他的敵人並且確實地將他們撕成碎片。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 這些數字的總和是多少?
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 轉寄給我們的郵件晚了很久才拿到。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外國僑民被要求離開該國。
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一個國家得有決心擊退任何入侵者。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健體強身的最好方法。