- How vexatious to miss one's train! 沒趕上火車真氣人!
- Dear, still would habitually to miss one of your words, the oneself do not think clearly to think of, it happened that want to recall often. 愛的,還是會習慣去想你的每一句話,明明自己不想去想的,偏偏每每都想去回憶。
- I know one thing that you are going to miss. 我知道有件事你會懷念的。
- I shall have to miss the party, worse luck! 我參加不了這次聚會了,真可惜!
- I am unlucky enough to miss the last train. 我真倒霉,錯過了最後一班火車。
- But we said 'next one to miss gets on the fence. 我們說好,下一個輸的人要爬上籬笆接受懲罰。
- Mary hardened her heart. It was no good being kind to Miss Jerome. 瑪麗硬起了心腸,因為對傑羅姆小姐心軟是沒有好處的。
- I was feeling one degree under with a sore throat so I had to miss going to the cinema. 我因為咽喉炎感到有點不舒服,所以只好不去看電影了。
- In all the concern over what will happen to Hong Kong when it is taken over by China in 1997, business comment has tended to miss one of the key aspects of the pending trans formation in one of the major business centres of the Asian region. 1997年中國就要接管香港了,人們都在關心香港,這個亞洲最大商業中心之一,會發生什麼變化時,商業評論往往會忽視過渡前許多關鍵問題中的一個。
- We were appalled at the prospect of having to miss our holiday. 我們為失去這一假日而感到大失所望。
- He came to miss his homeland when he settled down abroad. 當他在國外安定下來時,他開始想念祖國了。
- If I miss one more class,I am gonna fail. 假使我再缺課的話,我會不及格。
- He rushed all the way to the station only to miss the train. 他一路沖往車站,結果還是錯過了火車。
- No one wants to sit next to Miss Yates at the Sewing Meeting; she chatters like a magpie, all the time. 在縫紉聯誼會上,誰也不想坐在耶茨小姐身邊; 她整天喋喋不休。
- I advise you not to miss the end class bus. 我勸你不要誤了末班公共汽車。
- The drummer was worried because his mallet was missing one minute before the concert. 鼓手很著急,因為他的小音槌在音樂會開始前一分鐘不見了。
- It will be a pity to miss the main film. 要是趕不上看這部電影的正片就太可惜了。
- I was sorry to miss you when I called. 很遺憾,我去看你的時候,你不在。
- to miss one's cue 錯過提示
- Could you introduce me to Miss Davis? 您能介紹我認識戴維斯小姐嗎?