- It is easy to lose one's way in the forest. 在森林中人很容易迷路。
- It is so easy to lose one's bearings in the woods. 在森林裡很容易迷失方向。
- To lose one's poise or self-control. 失去鎮定或自製
- I cannot afford to lose one hour. 一小時也不容我推遲。
- Utmost shame is to lose one's soul. 一個人最大的恥辱是喪失靈魂。
- To cause to lose one's bearings; disorient. 使失去方向;使迷失方向。
- To lose one's grip on(a ball, for example)momentarily. 漏接(球)暫時地失去控制(例如一球)
- Without a compass, it is easy to lose one's bearings in the woods. 在森林中沒有指南針是容易迷失方向的。
- To lose one's balance and fall or jump off a surfboard. 被浪打翻失去平衡,然後從衝浪板上翻跌下來或跳下來
- To lose one's grip on(a ball,for example) momentarily. 漏接(球)暫時地失去控制(例如一球)
- To lose one's inhibitions;enjoy oneself wholeheartedly. 放縱失去控制;全身心享受
- To lose one's grip on(a ball, for example) momentarily. 漏接(球)暫時地失去控制(例如一球)
- Technically, the Yanks would still need the Blue Jays to lose one more game before clinching the division, but burying Boston would be a fitting way to end the season series. 技術上來看,洋基要進軍分區賽,仍需藍鳥再輸一場,但活埋紅襪,會是結束本季基襪系列賽更好的方法。
- The new plan has a sting in its tail: we have to lose one day's holiday. 新計劃有一個沒有料到的壞處:我們要因此損失一天的假期。
- How much do they stand to lose by this merger? 這次合併,他們要遭受多大損失?
- It is difficult to squeeze one 's way out in a crowded bus. 在擁擠的公共汽車裡擠出去真不容易。
- Be careful not to lose too much liquid by evaporation. 小心,不要因為蒸發作用而失掉過多的水份。
- To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looked like carelessness. 失去雙親之一,可能會被認為是一種不幸;兼而喪之,則似乎是無憂無慮了。
- That was because we could not afford to lose one,or our situation would be hopeless. 因為那時打不得敗仗,一敗就不可收拾。
- For pat to lose his job is nothing to joke about. 對帕特來說失業可不是鬧著玩兒的。