- My job is to instruct her in English. 我的工作是教她英語。
- It does not pertain to the young to instruct their elders. 年輕人不應該對老年人發號施令。
- To instruct in a body of doctrine or principles. 傳授以教條或信條的方式來教授、教導
- I certainly was difficult to instruct. 我肯定是比較難於教誨的。
- Vernon took him from his father to instruct him. 維農把他從他父親那裡帶來以教養他。
- My job is to instruct you in arithmetic. 我的工作就是指導你學算術。
- To instruct or urge authoritatively; command. 指示;要求;命令.
- It does not pertain to you to instruct him. 你不適合教訓他。
- I certainly was difficult to instruct . 我肯定是比較難於教誨的。
- To instruct training of enterprise employees. 指導企業職工培訓工作。
- He used to instruct 800,000 imperial guards. 他曾是八十萬禁軍教頭,如今卻落魄成這樣。
- Animals have these advantages over man: they have no theologians to instruct them, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills. 動物優於人類的幾點有:沒有神學家為它們說教,殯殮不費分文,更無一個對其遺囑提出訴訟者。
- If flag is on, branch to instruction X. 若標誌處於接通狀態,則轉移到指令X。
- Go in detail, the whole consciousness stops to instruct the body. 具體地說,就是整個意識都停止對身體發出任何指令。
- Do you want to instruct your child without nagging and spanking? 您可希望無需嘮叨和體罰就能教導孩子?
- A teacher of English had an unusual way to instruct composition. 一位英語教師在用一種不同尋常的方法教作文。
- A teacher of English had on unusual way to instruct composition. 一位英語老師指導學生作文有一種與眾不同的方法。
- Greater effort is needed to instruct children in road safety. 需要更大的努力來教導孩子們的道路安全意識。
- The teacher often takes the trouble to instruct his students. 那位老師經常不厭其煩去教導他的學生。
- It is essential to instruct patients with NIDDM in good lifestyles. 飲食起居生活規律化是對糖尿病患者教育指導的重點。