- We had to evolve the truth from a mass of confused evidence. 我們不得不從大量龐雜的證據中推斷出事情的真相。
- Sprints are used to evolve the final product. 衝刺過程被用於發展最終產品。
- To evolve machines, we'll need huge flocks of them. 要讓機器發生進化,我們得讓他們多如牛毛。
- To evolve is to surrender choices. 進化,就是對選擇的屈從。
- Nature strives to be free, free to evolve. 自然界嘗試去成為自由的,自由去進化。
- I do miss coaching day-to-day but you have to evolve and change. 我想年每天教學的日子,但是你得擔起自己的職責。
- It has taken us several million years to evolve from the apes. 我們人類從猿類開始進化用了幾百萬年的時間。
- We have to evolve the truth from a mass of confused evidence. 我們不得不從大量龐雜的證據中推斷出事情的真相。
- It is expected to evolve in the run-up to the Games. 會徽的設計就是要促進奧運事業的發展。
- What do you think is most important for Web services to evolve? 您認為對Web服務的發展最重要的是什麼?
- Is your business diversifying requiring your brand to evolve? 貴公司的多元化措施是否需要品牌變革?
- You can expect sorrow to evolve from the information you discover. 你會因為發現的信息感到傷心。
- But learning is overrated as something difficult to evolve. 但是,學習被高估為難以進化的東西。
- Merkle told me, "I don't want nanotechnology to evolve. 默克爾告訴我,「我不希望納米技術進化。
- That quirk dates back to the time when mammals began to evolve. 而這一現象是從進化哺乳動物的時候才開始出現轉折了。
- So what does it take to evolve into the regenerative paradigm? 那麼,需要做什麼來進化到再生範式之中呢?
- Our understanding continues to evolve on how students acquire languages. 我們還在繼續探討學生到底如何學習語言。
- I am able to evolve the example into a two-dimensional signature space. 我就可以將這個例子發展為兩維簽名空間。
- What is Stable Enough for Language to Evolve ans Still be Learnable? 語言進化和可學習性的穩定性?
- To allow a collection of files to evolve in two or more divergent paths. 允許文件集合沿兩個或多個不同路徑發展。