- I wish he'd stop holding the elder brother as an example to emulate. 我希望他不再把哥哥作為自己的學習榜樣。
- It is customary for boys to emulate their fathers. 男孩子通常模仿父親。
- The proverb tells us to emulate the industry of the ant. 這格言告訴我們要效法螞蟻的勤勉。
- They are the role models for others to emulate. 他們的教學表現,大可以作為其他教師的借鑒。
- It is trendy for youngsters to emulate pop singers. 年輕人仿效流行歌手是很流行的。
- Why did Africa fail to emulate this success? 為什麼非洲無法複製亞洲的成功經驗呢?
- Not a rough there but will resolve to emulate you. 在那裡,沒一個暴徒不決心向您看齊。
- Comrade LeiFeng set us a good example to emulate. 雷峰同志為我們樹立了可供效仿的榜樣。
- We will attempt to emulate you by winning the 2012. 我們希望向你們一樣能夠贏得2012年奧運會主辦權。
- You must work hard to emulate your sister. 你必須努力工作, 趕上你姐姐。
- My colleague tends to emulate my work habits. 我的同事常常效仿我的工作習慣。
- She hopes to emulate her sister's sporting achievements. 她希望在運動成績方面趕上她姐姐。
- What would happen if VDS tried to emulate the SAS approach? Why? 如果VDS公司嘗試模仿SAS公司的作法可能發生什麼事?為什麼?
- You must work hard to emulate your sister's success. 你必須努力工作,趕上你姐姐的成就。
- You must work hard to emulate your brother's success. 你必須努力工作,趕上你哥哥的成就。
- You must work hard to emulate your brogher' s success. 你必須努力工作,趕上你哥哥的成就。
- The proverb tell us to emulate the industry of the ant. 這格言告訴我們要效法螞蟻的勤勉。
- The proverbtells us to emulate the industry of the ant. 這格言告訴我們要效法螞蟻的勤勉。
- Write down a list of people you admire and hope to emulate. 寫下你非常敬仰、望仿效的人的名單。
- That company has a style that is impossible to emulate . 這家公司擁有一種難以效仿的風格。