- To dream of jasmine means a romance is in the offing. 夢見茉莉花意著一段羅曼史將至。
- She fell to dreaming of the better days to come. 她開始憧憬美好的未來。
- And so, with great trepidation, we dare to dream of Canada in 2020. 雖然是誠惶誠恐,我們還是大膽夢想了一個2020年的加拿大。
- And so, with great trepidation, we dare to dream of Canada in2020. 雖然是誠惶誠恐,我們還是大膽夢想了一個2020年的加拿大。
- I sought to persuade him, but in vain. 我試圖說服他,但無效。
- Valentine's date to dream of or a night of stupid Cupid? 一擲千金,只為浪漫情人節?
- I tried to make his peace with her, but in vain. 我試圖使他與她和好,但還是白搭。
- At Xmas time, Debra began to dream of all the presents. 到了聖誕節的時際,黛布拉開始夢想著所有的禮物。
- I tried to console her, but in vain. 我試著去安慰她,但是無效。
- They endeavoured to make her happy but in vain. 他們盡量使她快樂,卻徒勞無功。
- We tried in vain to make him change his mind. 我們想使他改變主意,結果是白費心機。
- The protagonist spent all his life pursuing a dream of material success, and once he found that all he strived for was in vain, he committed suicide. 主角窮極一生在追求物質生活的成功;而當他發現所有他賣力掙到的都只是場空;他選擇自我了斷這條路.
- I tried to talk him out of the project,but in vain. 我試著勸阻他停止這一計劃,但是徒勞無用。
- I'd never dream of allowing my child to do that. 我決不允許我的孩子做那種事。
- They tried in vain to bend the rules of the game. 他們篡改比賽規則的企圖沒有成功。
- He continued to dream of new roles for himself and his corporation. 他仍然不斷地想為自己和公司扮演什麼新的角色。
- He tried in vain to clear himself of the suspicion. 他未能消除人們對他的懷疑。
- I used to dream of becoming a professional table tennis player. 我過去常夢想要當職業撞球選手。
- That means to dream of, or fervently hope for something. 表示迫切希望的意思。
- He tried in vain to catch the butterfly on the flower. 他白費力氣想抓住停在花上的蝴蝶。