- A small dog, about half the pigs' size, attempted to drag one off into some scrub, while in between taking small nibbles at one of the creature's underbelly. 一條小狗,大約有一頭豬的一半大,在咬著豬的腹部,試圖把其中的一頭拖進灌木叢。
- 1.dilatory; slow; sluggish; tardy 2.to pull3.to spin out; to drag one's feet 拖拉
- One of the climbers was beginning to drag. 其中一位爬山者開始落到了後面。
- How much longer is this going to drag on? 這事還要拖多久?
- Drag one of the vertexes that outline the shape. 拖動勾勒出形狀輪廓的任一頂點。
- The meeting seemed to drag on for hours. 會議似乎是拖拖拉拉地開了好幾個小時。
- The black ox has trod on sb.'s foot. 災禍臨頭。
- They drag one another always farther down. 這些人相互拽著往下沈,愈陷愈深。
- We are sorry to drag you here at such a late hour. 我們很抱歉,在這樣晚的時候把你拉到這裡來。
- The rabbit' s foot was caught in a snare. 套索把兔子的腳套住了.
- Why do people have to drag things out like this? 為什麼要如此強迫別人說出真情?
- Find the length of sb. 's foot v. 了解某人的弱點以控制他。
- Germany's defeat was bound to drag down Japan. 德國的潰敗勢必要拖垮日本。
- The truck used a cable to drag the car. 卡車用纜索拖曳汽車。
- To drag an oar at the end of a stroke. 拖槳在一次划漿的最後拖槳
- To drag or haul(an object) laboriously. 拉費力地拉或曳(一物體)
- To drag one's foot 扯後腿
- Do you have to drag politics into everything? 你什麼事都非要把政治扯進去嗎?
- I managed to drag myself out of bed. 我總算硬撐著從床上爬了起來。
- This time, I guarantee you, it is not spicy.『 I proudly pointed at the pig『s feet braised in soy sauce, revelling in my own achievement. 『Come on, please try one! 這次我保證它不辣。」我指著紅燒豬蹄,得意洋洋,自我陶醉。「來來,嘗嘗這一塊!」