- It would not be right to dampen their spirits. 向廣大幹部和積極分子潑冷水是不對的。
- Higher rates would do little to dampen food prices. 過高的匯率對降低食品價格沒有用處。
- I hate to dampen your spirits this way, but here goes.Say when. 我不喜歡這樣往你的酒里加水,不過也只好如此了。你說停我就停。
- to dampen one's spirits 掃某人的興
- The good news elevated everyone 's spirits. 這個好消息鼓舞了每個人的情緒。
- What excites me is that God s Spirit, who is also the head and the life of the church, is the one who continuously exercises this authority. 令我感到興奮的原來是主的靈----祂是教會的元首,是教會的生命,是祂掌管著教會不斷發展的主權。
- This is a story about one』s journeyIn life,to pursue a dream,to searchFor ture love and finding a home forOne』s spirit. 這是一個追求夢想的故事,也是一次尋找愛情、尋找失落的精神家園的旅程。
- That is when the Premiership giants arrived in South Africa and even their defeat on penalties to Kaizer Chiefs in Pretoria failed to dampen the spirits of their loyal fans. 那就是超級聯賽巨人曼聯到訪南非,即便他們在比勒陀利亞的點球大戰中輸給了凱薩酋長,這讓他們的忠實支持者有點失望。
- The team' s spirit sank to zero after its third defeat. 第三次失敗后球隊士氣降至最低點。
- Allende met with six strike leaders to dampen the violence. 阿連德與六位罷工領導人會晤以緩和暴力事件的發展。
- Some teachers may say this is not Kong, Ah Q's spirit? 可能有的老師講這不是孔乙己、阿Q的精神嗎?
- The wet Sydney afternoon did nothing to dampen passengers. 下午下著濛濛細雨的悉尼並沒有減低乘客們對這座城市的熱情。
- My soul squirms comfortably in the soil and sand and is happy.Sometimes when one is drunk with this earth, one』s spirit seems so light that he thinks he is in heaven. 但尢需指出的是, 林氏的某些觀點是與馬克思主義相違背的,這絕不代表我們作為出版者的觀點,希讀者以科學的世界觀和方法論為指導,慎審明辨。
- While gathering this information, you also want to dampen their expectations. 在收集資訊的同時,你也要想辦法冷卻賣家滿心的期待。
- Moons of Mars NASA's Spirit rover photographed the two moons of Mars. 漫步者發回的圖片,兩個衛星圍繞火星。
- This surge may be quite fast so be prepared to re-apply brake to dampen it. 這震盪或許十分的快,所以準備好重拉煞車來減弱它。
- The objective of the club and coach is that to dampen any easy enthusiasm. 球隊和教練的現實工作是降低任何自滿情緒。
- Minimalism 『s spirits mainly are abandon, advocating tediously simple, the emphasising succinct,and taking functions. 簡約主義的主要精神是摒棄繁瑣、崇尚簡約、強調精粹、重視功能。
- The second part expounds the values of Tan Ka-kee』s spirits in the building of a harmonious campus in the new era. 本文的第二部分闡述了陳嘉庚精神在和諧校園建設中的時代價值。
- Many one or little one is indifferent to me. 多一個或少一個對我是無關緊要的。