- The engine began to cough on the hill. 在山坡上引擎發出嘎嘎的爆發聲。
- You'll have to cough out a dollar for that ticket. 你買那張票得掏1元錢。
- I have to cough up money to get the car fixed. 我只好花錢去修車。
- I strangled an impulse to cough. 我忍住咳嗽。
- Was not unusual for him to cough for an hour. 他一咳嗽起來就是個把小時也是常有的事。
- He began to cough and had a runny nose. 他開始出現咳嗽、流鼻涕。
- Try to cough out the fishbone in your throat. 設法把卡在喉嚨里的魚骨咳出來。
- Instruct client to cough forcefully. 指導病人用力咳嗽。
- The cold weather caused me to cough. 原因,起因,理由;事業,(奮鬥的)目標
- I knew she was seriously ill when she began to cough blood. 她開始咳出血來,我知道她的病一定很嚴重。
- The old man wheezed out a greeting,then began to cough. 這位老人喘著氣打了聲招呼后就開始咳了起來。
- Oh, no- what do I do? The music is real soft, and I have to cough. 哦,糟了—怎麼辦?是很輕柔的歌曲,而我去想咳嗽。
- Was subject to coughs, asthma, and the like. 易得咳嗽、氣喘等類似的病
- You'll have to cough up three dollars for that ticket. 你買那張票需付三美元。
- The audience tried to cough down the tedious speaker. 聽眾們試圖用咳嗽聲把那位喋喋不休的演講者趕下台。
- The old man wheezed out a greeting, then began to cough. 這位老人喘著氣打了聲招呼后就開始咳了起來。
- Doves and wolves love to sniff puff enough to cough and sneeze. 鴿子和野狼喜歡嗅粉撲,嗅到咳嗽,打噴嚏。
- The child is very subject to coughs. 這孩子動不動就咳嗽。
- The audience applauded; someone in the audience began to cough. 觀眾們拍手喝彩;觀眾席中有人開始咳嗽。
- Three days ago, he began to cough, sneeze and have a running nose. 他3天前開始咳嗽,打噴嚏,並且流鼻涕。