- Water is said to consist of oxygen and hydrogen. 據說水由氫氣和氧合成。
- Water is said to consist of oxygen and hydrogen . 據說水由氫氣和氧合成。
- It is unimaginative, flat, dry and likely to consist of mere wind. 這樣的開頭沒有想像力,枯燥,單調,可能只由風組成。
- On a macroscale it can be considered to consist of two surfaces. 從宏觀的角度看來,它能被考慮為含有兩個表面。
- The path of a planet appears to consist of loops that recur regularly. 行星的軌跡呈現出規律重複的環形。
- This region can be considered to consist of surface atoms and subsurface atoms. 該區域可被看作為由表面原子和亞表面的原子所組成。
- If a phone number is considered to consist of seven digits or "items," it would fill up working memory. 如果一個電話號碼被認為是由七個數字或單元組成的,那麼工作記憶就會被裝滿。
- The earth's core, at least the outer one is believed to consist of nickel and iron. 一般認為地核至少是外核由鎳和鐵構成。
- A link set may consist of up to 16 links. 一個鏈路群可能由 16 條鏈路組成。
- A project is said to consist of a collection of independent activities, or jobs. 工程項目是由一組獨立的活動(或稱工作)組成。
- Pertaining to data that consists of digits. 說明數據是由數字組成的。
- Nim opened two of the cartons and found the contents to consist of filed reports and letters. 尼姆打開了兩隻盒子,發現裡面裝著合訂的報告和信件。
- Microscopically, the fibrinous exudate is seen to consist of pink strands of fibrin jutting from the pericardial surface at the upper left. 鏡下可在左上方可見滲出的粉紅色束狀纖維突出於心包膜表面。
- The shekel is to consist of twenty gerahs. Twenty shekels plus twenty-five shekels plus fifteen shekels equal one mina. 舍客勒是二十季拉;二十舍客勒,二十五舍客勒,十五舍客勒,為你們的彌那。
- Substances consist of small particles called molecules. 物質是由叫做分子的微粒組成的。
- If his notions of hidden treasure had been analyzed, they would have been found to consist of a handful of real dimes and a bushel of vague, splendid, ungraspable dollars. 如果分析一下,他認為埋藏的那部分財寶,只不過是一把真分幣和一大堆可觀不可及、光亮閃閃的塊票而已。
- Located at The Hague in the Netherlands, the Court is to consist of 18 internationally respected judges elected for nine-year terms, and a team of prosecutors and investigators. 法院設在荷蘭海牙,將由18位在國際上受到尊敬的法官及一批檢察官和調查員組成。法官經選舉產生,任期九年。
- Relating to or consisting of words; verbal. 語言的跟詞語有關或由詞語構成的; 語言的
- These are somewhat different from those of weld structures, which are generally thought to consist of an assemblage of interwoven ferrite laths. 板條或針狀片條與非等軸晶共存等多種不同形態,並不象焊接組織那樣通常是單一的針狀片條束或板條束形態。
- The model is assumed to consist of four backscatters: Bragg scatter, double-bounce scatter, odd-bounce scatter and volume scatter. 該模型由四種基本散射模型構成:布拉格散射,偶次散射,奇次散射和體散射。