- The cavity is too big to be filled and it's come loose anyway. I'm afraid it'll have to come out. 這個洞太大了,補不了,這個牙也鬆動了,要拔掉。
- All the pictures in the book were tipped in carelessly and are beginning to come loose. 書中所有的插圖都是馬馬虎虎地增貼進去的,現在已經開始散落了。
- Little imagine these views are blankety-blank, they can affect the ground to come loose only hot. 殊不知這些說法毫無道理,它們只會影響地面散熱。
- Of palm, green, yellow, the summer banquet that ases if not to come loose, green is so thick still. 棕的、綠的、黃的,彷彿不散的夏日宴席,綠色還是那麼濃。
- On the floor that when freezer is used, should be put in even sureness, can affect freezer to come loose otherwise hot. 電冰箱使用時應放在平坦踏實的地面上,否則會影響冰箱散熱。
- Heating the front side causes the masking tape to come loose, resulting in uneven tension and waviness. 加熱面的原因掩蔽磁帶來鬆散,導致在不平衡的緊張局勢和波紋。
- Rely on natural convection almost completely to come loose to call convection radiator hotly. 幾乎完全靠自然對流散熱的稱為對流散熱器。
- Bind the rope fast lest it should come loose. 把繩子綁牢,免得它鬆脫。
- Bending over to sleep can make scrotal temperature elevatory, not allow to come loose in time easily again hot, grow to also have certain effect to spermatozoon so. 趴著睡會使陰囊溫度升高,又不容易及時散熱,所以對精子生長也有一定影響。
- Those who show a shoulder expand feeling jacket is being taken hollow-out decorative pattern, cooperate to come loose place printing skirt romance clinking. 露肩的膨脹感上衣帶著鏤空的花紋,配合散擺印花裙浪漫無比。
- Hawkthorn has lousy morale to come loose the result of Yu, silver-colored Hua Youqing heats up alexipharmic effect. 2 flavour are used together, apply to chill cold patient. 山楂有破氣散瘀之功,銀花有清熱解毒之功效。二味同用,適用於風寒感冒患者。
- Windowsill can place a vitreous bottle, might as well place a crystal bottle, it can absorb internal heat, will fold a bathroom to come loose again inside the room. 窗檯可擺個玻璃瓶,不妨擺個水晶玻璃瓶,它能吸收火氣,再將折浴室散到房間內。
- It is never wise to come between a man and his wife. 干預人家夫婦間的事是不智的。
- I tied the boat to the tree but it has come loose. 我把船系在樹上,可後來鬆開了。
- I can't get this screw to come out of the wall. 我無法把這顆螺絲釘從牆上取出。
- A police patrol boat hailed to us to come to. 警察局的一艘巡邏艇招呼我們停下。
- She took the huff and went to come other store. 她惱了,去了另一家商店。
- Jim is a warmhearted person to come and go upon. 吉姆是個熱心人,可以信賴。
- I don't know whether he is willing to come. 我不知道他是否願意來。
- I don't trust his promise to come for a visit. 我不相信他會如約前來訪問。