- to bemoan one's fate 悲嘆自己的命運(不好)
- One shall know that to build one』s country at the turn of a nation』s fate is itself one of the most manful things in life. 我們應該拿出雄健的精神,高唱著進行的曲調,在這悲壯歌聲中,走過這崎嶇險阻的道路。
- She was swept with a wave of revulsion for the emptiness of her life. Like other girls in her position, she began to bemoan her fate. 她突然感覺到這種生存的單調,心裡有點難過,像那些與她同類的少女一樣,開始悲嘆起自己的命運來。
- Mickey: It\'s fate, you know. Nobody can stop fate, nobody can. 米基:這是命運,你知道的,沒人能阻擋它,沒人。
- ETIC has indicated that it will end the uncertainty about JAL's fate before the end of this month. ETIC表示,他們將在這個月內對日航未來的命運作出決斷。
- An individual\'s fate is simply the rebounding effects of previous choices remembered by its soul. 一個人的命運事實上僅僅是靈魂記下的其過去所作選擇的反彈結果。
- Ricardinho added a breakaway goal in the 75th to seal Vasco』s fate as they finished 18th in the 20-team table with 40 points. 里卡迪尼奧增加了一個分裂目標,以印章75羅馬里奧的命運因為他們在18日結束的20支隊伍參加的圓桌會議40分。
- All these may finally be able to sum up to the feasibly concerning and deeply understanding to the problem of "human", and the assurance and analysis to human's fate. 但是,這也成就了蒲松齡不斷思考人學問題、在文學領域始終不渝地循著一條「人學」道路進行長途跋涉的可能。
- Also, they don't play on feelings of guilt or force you to bemoan your past lapses. 換句話說,業力原則並不迫使你從相貌、氣力、腦力、商業才幹等等更多地依賴你的舊業而不是現業的角度衡量自己。
- The poor man began to bemoan himself,saying,"Is it possible that your Majesty should give no more than this to your brother? 於是那窮人開始叫屈:「難道國王陛下就給兄弟這麼一點點錢嗎?」
- To bemoan that the forthcoming Chevy Volt plug-in hybrid will have a first-year price tag of $40,000 is to miss the point. 通用汽車即將推出的雪佛蘭Volt油電混合車,第一年售價高達四萬美元,因此錯失了良機,令人遺憾。
- Many one or little one is indifferent to me. 多一個或少一個對我是無關緊要的。
- No one dared to speak out against the injustice. 沒人敢對不公正行為表示公開反對。
- No one is allowed to get his ticket out of turn. 任何人都不準不按次序買票。
- Only a coward gives in to his fate. 只有懦夫向命運屈服。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不應限制在任何特定的年齡組上。
- Mourinho was challenged over his right to bemoan his injury misfortune when Valencia can point to list of missing players containing Marchena, Gavilan, Edu, Morientes, Navarro and Baraja. 穆里尼奧被質疑他並無資格抱怨他的球隊傷員大災難,因為瓦倫西亞隨時可以拿出一份冗長的缺席球員名單?包括了馬切納、加維蘭、埃杜、莫倫特斯、納瓦羅和巴拉哈。
- He showed total insensibility to the animal's fate. 他對那個動物的命運漠不關心。
- bemoan one's insignificancy in the face of a great thing; 後用「望洋興嘆」比喻辦事因條件不夠,而感到無可奈何。
- I'm under contract to teach here for one year. 我按照聘約要在這裡教一年書。