- Bones used to be used for writing. 過去人們曾用骨頭來書寫。
- Specifies the tip to be used to draw a Stroke. 指定用於繪製Stroke的筆尖。
- He used to be used to simple life. 他過去習慣於簡樸的生活。
- That can be used to read the code to be compiled. 可用於讀取要編譯的代碼。
- The people here seem to be used to the dizzy noise. 這裡的人們似乎都習慣於令人頭昏腦脹的噪音.
- He was used to being peered at on arriving in a strange town. 到一個陌生的城鎮被人盯著看,他已習為常了。
- IP fax also allows e-mail to be used to send or receive faxes. IP傳真還允許用電子郵件來傳送或接收傳真。
- Horses used to be used to pull cartloads of crops to the market. 過去總是用馬把一車車的莊稼拉到市場去。
- The flagpole toppled over, and a crane bad to be used to erect it. 旗杆倒了,得用吊車把它豎起來。
- She was used to being made much of. 她習慣於受人奉承。
- Customers are used to being maltreated. 我們都經常遭遇劣質的客服。
- Television cameras are used to watch processes in places where it would be difficult or even dangerous for a human to be present, and that, more accurately. 電視攝像機能被用在人們親臨現場有困難甚至危險的地方去觀察過程,而且觀察更為準確。
- The place used to be a stretch of barren land. 早先這裡是一片不毛之地。
- This country used to be a British colony in Asia. 這個國家曾是英國在亞洲的殖民地。
- Specify the backup file to be used to initialize the destinations. 指定將用於初始化目的的備份文件。
- Whose site is to be used to access design-time services. 將使用其站點來訪問設計時服務的。
- Sex is no longer the taboo subject it used to be. 現在不再像過去那樣把性的問題視為禁區。
- Enter an account to be used to gain access to the selected domain. 輸入要使用的帳戶以訪問選定的域。
- That man used to be a lascivious person. 那個男人曾是個好色之徒。
- A crane had to be used to haul the elephant out of the trap. 人們不得不動用一輛吊車來拉出落在陷阱里的大象。