- She's not fit to be in charge of small children. 她不適合照顧幼童。
- Mr. Blare was invited to be in charge of lightening of stage. 布萊爾先生被邀負責舞台的燈光設計。
- I hope Will to be in charge of this project this time. 我希望這次威爾能主管這個項目。
- My boss wants me to be in charge of a new project, but I refused. 老闆想讓我負責一個新計劃,但被我婉拒了。
- What a wife really wants is to be in charge of her own life. 太座真正所要的,就是能掌握自己的生活。
- To be in charge drive development with CMMB chips. 承擔手機電視晶片的驅動軟體發展;
- Who will be chosen to be in charge of the company hasn't been decided. 選誰負責這個公司還沒決定。
- Lucius was supposed to be in charge. 盧修斯應該對此負責。
- I do not want to be in the boss line of fire today. 今天我不想遭到老闆的非難。
- It is particularly worrying that nobody seems to be in charge. 特別令人擔憂的是,似乎沒有任何人在負責。
- So,do you have a leader?I mean who is going to be in charge? 那,你們有領隊嗎?
- I have to be in the right frame of mind to play chess. 下棋時,我的思想得處於很集中的狀態。
- The child with the cough ought to be in bed. 這患咳嗽的孩子應該睡在床上。
- He seemed to be in a great hurry. 他看起來很匆忙的樣子。
- She pretends to be the person in charge. 她自稱是負責人。
- No charge of faithlessness ought to be lightly uttered. 不可輕易地控告某人不貞。
- To be in the initial lineup of a game or race. 上場處於比賽或賽跑的初始位置上
- I'd like to be in on the scheme. 我很想參與這項計畫。
- I'll arrange to be in when you call. 你來電話的時候,我一定在屋 等著。
- "You ought to be in bed," Mother said shortly. 媽不耐煩地說道:"你該上床去了"。