- To be close to both mountains and the ocean. 緊挨著山,靠著海。
- They want so much to be close to you. 他們是那麼地想接近你。
- He wanted to be close to the people. 他很想接近這些人們。
- He wants to be close to the people. 他想接近人民。
- She wanted to be close to the crowd. 她想靠近人群。
- She feels good to be close to the nature. 她喜歡有山有水的地方。
- I feel good to be close to the nature. 我喜歡有山有水的地方。
- Night: Dug new hole to be closer to them. 夜裡:又挖了個新洞,我想靠人更近些嘛。
- Apparently he wanted to be close to those common people. 他顯然想接近那些平民。
- It is a comfort for patients to be close to their loved ones. 靠近自己深愛的人對病人來說是一種安慰。
- Apparentlyhe wanted to be close to those common people. 他顯然想接近那些平民。
- After 15 years, they tended to be close to equilibrium. 15年後,兩個過程接近平衡。
- I'm always like a happy little birdy just to be close to you. 只要有你在,我就像一隻快樂的小鳥。
- It also is to be close to solar illuminative most the lamp. 它也是最接近日光照明的燈。
- The official is said to be close to nuclear negotiations with Iran. 據說這位官員與伊朗的核談判有非常密切的關係。
- Leopold said, we should open our heart, to be closer to the nature. 李奧帕多說,我們應該要打開我們的心讓我們更親近自然。
- To be close to your friend, but closer to your enemy. 兮有評語:競爭的社會,接近敵人比接近朋友。
- Results for. Are found to be close to the experimental data. 已經證明。的結果與實驗數據是相接近的。
- The people of the city are happy to be close to such a holy site. 城市的人民十分愉快,因為能近距離接近這個神聖的地方。
- Archie and we got to be close friends. 我們同阿齊先生成為親密的朋友了。