- One, as with indulgences, is to assuage guilt. 其一,就像縱慾一般,是為了減輕罪惡。
- to assuage one's hunger 充饑
- His reply did little to assuage my suspicions. 他的答覆一點也沒有減少我的懷疑。
- Talking to her helped to assuage my guilt. 和她交談減輕了我的負罪感。
- The medicine is used to assuage pain. 這種藥用來止痛。
- The doctor tried his best to assuage his illness. 醫生盡自己的努力去減輕他的病症。
- There is nothing but wine to assuage my sorrow. 何以解憂?惟有杜康。
- to assuage one's grief 緩和某人的悲痛情緒
- to assuage one's pain 鎮痛,減輕某人的痛苦
- assuage one's hunger, thirst, grief, longing, etc 充饑﹑ 解渴﹑ 減輕悲痛﹑ 抑制慾念.
- Breastfeeding does not only satiate your kid』s hunger but it also has a soothing and calming effect on him. 母乳餵養不僅能緩解孩子的飢餓感,還能對孩子起到撫慰和平靜的作用。
- Mr Daschle’s innumerable entanglements with those groups might have helped to assuage their worries. 但達施勒和這些集團錯綜複雜的關係卻有助於緩和他們的焦慮。
- But now there are two balms that can help to assuage the pain. 但是如今,有兩種鎮痛劑可以緩解這種疼痛。
- The government has tried to assuage the left by stressing the limits of reform. 政府強調改革的限度,試圖平息左派的怒氣。
- Car buyers appear undaunted by GM's bankruptcy, assuaging one of the auto maker's biggest fears heading into Chapter 11. 購車者似乎並沒有被通用汽車破產嚇倒,減輕了進入破產保護程序的通用汽車最大的擔憂。
- Assuage one's hunger,thirst,grief,longing,etc 充饑;解渴;減輕悲痛;抑制慾念.
- He hunted up a restaurant to appease his hunger. 他好容易找到一家餐館去填飽肚子。
- They were lost with no outlet for their bloodlust, and were turning on one another, clan attacking clan in a desperate attempt to assuage the brutal longings that flamed in their hearts. 他們墮落在無從釋放的殺戮欲中,隨即開始自相殘殺,氏族之間互相攻擊,絕望地試圖減輕心中燃燒的殘忍慾望。
- Regard the sorrows and sufferings of others as yours and hasten to assuage them. 關注他人的悲痛與苦難並儘快安撫他們。
- It will do little to assuage Japanese concerns that Chinese imbibe hatred of Japan from a young age. 這並不會使日本在中國因為年輕人而仇日的問題上放心。