- The goods is to is packed in tin lined cases, and the contents of each case clearly marked on the outside. 一切貨物均須用內襯馬口鐵或錫紙的木箱包裝,且外殼必須清楚地標明其內所裝物品。
- The goods are to be packed in tin - lined cases,and the contents of each case clearly marked on the outside. 一切貨物均須用內襯馬口鐵或錫紙的木箱包裝,且外殼必須清楚地標明其內所裝物品。
- Adhering tin is the main cause that reflow conductor roll abates which works in the electroplating tin line (ETL). 粘錫是電鍍錫機組軟熔導電輥失效的主要原因,應用化學方法脫錫是延長導電輥壽命的重要途徑。
- In officinal still use paper of careless board board to make line case in great quantities, encounter humid air, after carton sucks tide easy damaged. 中成藥仍然大量採用草板紙箱板紙作襯格,碰到潮濕空氣,紙盒吸潮后就輕易破損。
- A more subtle problem is that drawing an ellipse requires another parameter (ellipses have both a major and a minor diameter) that would be irrelevant to the line case. 一個更微妙的問題是,繪製橢圓要求另一個與線不相關的參數(橢圓有一個大直徑和一個小直徑)。
- The goods were to be packed in tin- lined cases, and the contents of each case clearly marked on the outside. 一切貨物均須用內襯馬口鐵或錫紙的木箱包裝,且外殼必須清楚地標明其內所裝物品。
- Bonding tin was the main reason for the failure of 2# conduct roll of reflowing at electrolytic tinning line of Baosteel. 粘錫是寶鋼電鍍錫機組2%23軟熔導電輥失效的主要原因,通過模擬2%23軟熔導電輥的工況條件,研究了影響導電輥粘錫主要因素。
- Tin thickness model-free adaptive (FMA) control system for tinning line in cold rolling mill is developed specially for solving this difficult problem. 該控制系統採用了當今最先進的無模型自適應控制技術(FMA)來對鍍錫板錫層厚度進行閉環控制。
- Spoon batter into muffin tins lined with paper baking cups, filling each just to top of paper liner. 把麵糊勺入烤模(烤模抑或抹油或是放一張麥芬紙)要勺滿了,(別溢出來就好)。
- The path of civilization is paved with tin cans. 文明的大道,是鋪滿了空罐頭。
- The paper presents a big descriptions on the automation system from design to controls in the Electrolytic Tinning Line (ETL). 本文對國內一鍍錫生產線機組的自動化系統從設計到控制進行了詳細論述。
- A small boy was beating out a tune on a tin can. 一個小男孩正用鐵皮罐敲奏出曲子來。
- stealing and cutting back line case 盜割迴流線案件
- You may open the tin simply by pulling the puller. 你只要拉這個拉出器,就可以很容易地把罐頭打開。
- I can't make the cover of the tin fit on. 我無法把這罐頭的蓋子蓋上。
- He thinks he is a little tin god. 我覺得自己很了不起。
- Hailstones rattled on the tin roof. 冰雹落在鐵皮屋頂上發出砰砰聲。
- Normal production of the electrolytic tinning line at Baoshan Iron &Steel Co.Ltd. was restrained to some extent by short service life of the reflow conduct roll and frequent rush repairs. 寶鋼電鍍錫機組軟熔導電輥使用壽命短,搶修頻繁,一定程度上制約了機組的正常生產。
- I caught her with her fingers in the biscuit tin. 我看見她手指還在餅乾盒裡呢。
- We fuse copper and tin to make bronze. 我們把銅和錫熔製成青銅。