- Time passed so fast,it's time to say byebye to you. 時間過得真快,到了我們該說再見的時候了。
- I simply could not believe the time passed so quickly. 我簡直不相信時間過得這麼快。
- After lunch, the Boston trip ceased... Time passed so quickly! 吃完中飯,波士頓之行結束。。。時間太快了。。。
- The time passed so rapidly that they both regretted the approach of evening. 時間實在過得太快了,兩個人眼見黃昏到來都不免有些遺憾。
- The time passed so lightly in this good company, that I began to be almost reconciled to my residence at Shaw. 有了這樣絕佳的伴兒,時光輕鬆地一閃就過去了,我幾乎甘心情願地想在肖府定居下來了。
- Time passed so quickly,there was a month between now and last antenatal examination. 時間過得好快,距上次檢查已經有一個月了。
- Sara:The midterm is coming! Why does time pass so quickly? I didn't study at all. I'm afraid that I will be flunked. 莎拉:期中考要到了啊!為什麽時間過得這麽快?我完全沒有念書。我怕我會不及格。
- The time is passing so slowly now guess, that's my life without you. 沒有你在時間怎麼走的那麼慢,我猜那是因為我離開了你。
- I find time passes so quickly.Unknowingly, another week has gone by. 我發現這時間過得可真夠快的,不知不覺又過了一周的時間了。
- Gah.. sooooo fast wan holidays liao... it seems tat we jus had oc ytd.. time passes so damn quick... 時過境遷,不知不覺我們已經放假了,回憶起以前所做過的傻事,不知不覺笑了.
- Minutes passed so slowly that I understood what the Chinese phrase passing a day like a year felt like. 每分鐘都過得那麼慢,我開始明白度日如年是什麼感受。
- She isn't so slow as you think she is. 她並不象你想的那麼遲緩[笨]。
- I didn't realize the time had passed so quickly.. 我沒想到時間過得這麼快。
- Oh you're so slow; come on, hurry up! 哎喲,你可真慢;加把勁,快點!
- Time passed, and so did Mr. Stuart. 時光流逝,斯圖亞特先生也已去世。
- Why has equipment leasing been so slow to take off? 為什麼設備租賃的起步如此之慢?
- I didn't realize the time has passed so quickly. 我沒意識到時間過得如此之快。
- Why is my Internet connection so slow? 為什麼我的Internet連接速度這麼慢?
- Your level is so low and your vibration is so slow. 你的等級太低了,你的振動力太慢了。