- Morning is the most pleasant time of the day. 早上是一天最愉快的時候。
- Time of the day the schedule starts. 計劃開始的時間。
- It was the dullest time of the day. 這是一天中最煩悶的時刻。
- I am sorry to call you this time of the day. 很抱歉在這個時候給你打電話。
- Do you always have a break at this time of the day? 你每天這個時間總是休息嗎?
- It's my favorite time of the day, driving you. 送你,是我一天中最快樂的時候。
- What time of the day do most people visit? 一天當中人們訪問最集中的時間應該是在什麼時候?
- At what time of the day was Adam created? 亞當是在一天中的什麼時間被創造出來的?
- Sorry to disturb you at this time of the day. 這個時候打擾您很不好意思。
- It's my saddest time of the day, leaving you. 離開你,是我一天中最難過的時候。
- I didn't know there'd is so much traffic at this time of the day. 我沒想到這時候交通會這麼擁擠。
- It is not likely that he would come at this time of the day. 他不太可能這個時候來。
- A child's bedtime is at the worst possible time of the day. 孩子的入睡時間也許是一天中最糟糕的時刻。
- Have you made sure of the time of the train? 火車開車時間你搞清楚了嗎?
- That is a great international question of the day. 那是當代的一個重大國際問題。
- I'll make sure of the time of the flight. 我要核實一下這班飛機的時間。
- The hen sits for most of the day. 這隻母雞整天大部分時間都在抱窩。
- It is car 9,but they don't serve food at this time of the day. 是在9號車廂。但現在不供應食物。
- "Why, Scarlett, what are you doing downtown this time of the day? "怎麼,思嘉,你這時候跑到市區來幹什麼?
- The Western scientists of the day didn't know it. 當時的西方科學家還不知道這一點。