- Tighten one's belt (eat less food,spend less money,etc. 勒緊腰帶(省吃儉用)
- To tighten one's belt: To live on less money and spend money carefully. 勒緊褲腰帶、過緊日子。
- Most of young people long for outing of their parent 's control . 大部分的年輕人都渴望脫離父母的控制。
- In this case, Merneptah's control over Canaan was precarious at best. 如果是這樣的話,那麥倫普塔赫對迦南地的統治不怎麼穩固。
- Experiments shows that the control circuit meet the CPT's control request. 實驗表明,該控制電路能夠達到非接觸能量傳輸系統的控制要求。
- DHL is not liable for any loss or damage arising out of circumstances beyond DHL's control. 對於超出DHL控制範圍的原因而導致的損失或損害,DHL不承擔責任。
- Fine adjustments can be made by further tightening one of the screws or nut. 可以用進一步旋緊兩個螺釘或螺母中的一個來達到精調。
- The designed FLC has been verified by comparing its outputs with the pilot s control signals. 建立該模糊控制器之後,透過與飛行員遙控訊號之比對,確認該模糊控制器的正確性。
- [Figurative] to tighten one's belt 束緊腰帶度日
- This subject involves DRP』s technology restructure of drive device』s control system of two-roll mills. 論文詳細介紹了橡膠開煉機組生產線及其控制方式,包括交、直流傳動調速。
- tighten one's belt; practice austerity 過緊日子
- Please be aware that such variances in spread are not in FXCM's control, and are dependent upon market conditions. 因此,請您諒解這些奌差的改變並非FXCM所能控制,而完全是依照市場的變化。
- Their crowdlike jostling as they marched down the snowy street simply emerged, out of anyone\'s control. 當它們行進在積雪的街道上,推推搡搡擁擠的樣子就出現了,不受任何人控制。
- Secondly, the paper recommends the basic principles, analysis methods and employ steps of Shewhart"s control charts. 接著介紹了休哈特控制圖的基本原理、計算方法、分析方法、使用步驟及其檢出力的計算。
- A control store is the part of a CPU's control unit that stores the CPU's microprogram. It is usually accessed by a microsequencer. 控制存儲器是CPU控制單元的一部分,它存儲CPU的微程序,通常被微序列器訪問。
- As time passed, this physical act of actually tightening one's belt became a symbolic statement, and hence an idiom. 隨著時間的推移,繫緊褲帶這個動作變成了一個象徵性的表達,也因此變成了句習語。
- Several typical stage,s control methods in the oil storage and transfer are pr esented. The good effect is obtained in practical application. 闡述了重油在儲存與輸送過程中幾個典型環節的控制方法,在實際應用中取得了良好的效果。
- But OCLC's control passed from librarians and academics to business people (its senior executive comes from consulting firm Deloitte &Touche). 但是,現在的OCLC主導權卻由圖書館員、學者轉到商人手中(其高階行政人員出自勤業眾信會計師事務所)。
- After the body heals, a signal from the brain that normally contracts a muscle in the arm now tightens one in the chest. 身體復原后,通常收緊手臂肌肉的大腦信號現在會收緊胸部肌肉。
- Honeywell』s control systems support reliable and efficient operation of electric utilities, co-generation, clean power and industrial power plants. 霍尼韋爾控制系統支持可靠和有效的運作電力、熱電聯產、清潔能源和工業發電廠。