- Tumor growth and metastasis has a tight relationship with neovascularization. 血管生成與腫瘤的生長、轉移密切相關。
- The real estate industry is, which has tight relationship with thousands of families, is the underpinning of the national economy. 房地產業是我國經濟的支柱產業,產業鏈長,關係千家萬戶。
- Since the tight relationship between the microjet technique and MEMS, a general introduction to MEMS was performed in the thesis. 鑒於微射流技術和MEMS技術的緊密聯繫,本文對MEMS技術進行了概要介紹。
- The main pollutants were soot, acid emissions and awful smells,which had a tight relationship with the development of industrialization and urbanization. 污染英國城市大氣的主要物質是煤煙、酸性氣體和各種難聞的氣味等,這與工業化和城市化的發展密切相關。
- For a long time, SCUD group has set up a tight relationship with some famous enterprises from domestic and overseas, which creates remarkable economical and social benefit. 長期以來,飛毛腿集團與國內外著名廠商互力合作,取得了良好的經濟效益與社會效益。
- Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) is a multifunctional cytokine, and it has been recently reported that bFGF has a tight relationship with neovascularization. 鹼性成纖維細胞生長因子(bFGF)是一種具有廣泛的生理功能的多肽生長因子,近年研究發現bFGF與腫瘤血管生成有密切關係。
- The general manager MR.LIU TAI KUN and all members are very pleasure to say thanks to all friends who are support CSA RIZHAO for so long time, and wish a good cooperation and more tight relationship in the future. 總經理劉太坤攜全體員工,向長期以來關心和支持日照中海船務代理公司發展的中外各界朋友表示衷心的感謝,並竭誠歡迎新老客戶進一步加強聯繫,密切合作,共創更加美好的明天!
- It's a tight squeeze to get five people in that small car. 五個人坐在那個小車子里真是太擠了。
- Sheila's dad is a real tight wad. 希拉的父親真是個一毛不拔的鐵公雞。
- This drawer is too tight for me to open it. 這抽屜太緊了,我打不開。
- This pair of trousers is too tight for me. 這條褲子我穿太緊了。
- The tight jumper only accentuated his fat stomach. 那件緊身套頭毛衣反更突出了他那肥胖的肚子。
- I'm in a tight corner just at present. 我眼下的處境十分不妙。
- She held her baby tight in her arms. 她緊緊地摟著她的孩子。
- I tried on the pants, but they were too tight. 我試穿過這件衣服,但它太緊了。
- The editorial overstates the tension in Sino-Japan relationship. 這篇社論對中日關係的緊張程度的描述有點言過其實了。
- The child was uncomfortable in his tight boots. 小孩穿著緊繃的靴子很難受。
- Her lies got her in a tight place. 她的謊言使她陷入困境。
- All the others ran away, but I sat tight. 別人都跑了,但我在原地沒動。
- Their relationship is over and done with. 他們的關係完全斷絕了。