- tide over one's illness 渡過病期的難關
- He sold his furniture to tide over his illness. 他賣掉傢具以度過病期的難關。
- John is willing to tide over his sister a little longer. 約翰願意再接濟她妹妹一些時候。
- He rode roughshod over one opponent after another. 他把他的對手一個接一個地擊敗了。
- It's no use brooding over one's past mistakes. 老是抱著過去的錯誤是沒用的。
- You are to take over one of the subdivisions. 你將接管其中一個分部。
- My grandmother s illness is likely to recur. 我奶奶的病有可能再複發。
- The scholarship helped Martin to tide over a temporary embarrassment. 那筆獎學金幫助馬丁解決了暫時的經濟困難。
- Mr M's illness, at the end did not worsen. 先生的急病,最後也沒有惡化,是化險為夷了。
- The column, four abreast, stretched out over one kilometre. 隊伍4個人一行,長達1公里以上。
- How do you tide over examination period? 例句:你如何渡過考試時期?
- He managed to tide over the crisis. 他勉為其難,度過了危難時期。
- The human eye can distinguish over one million shade s of color. 人類的眼睛能分辨一百萬種以上色度深淺不同的顏色。
- In May, Mother' s illness took a turn for the worse. 五月里,媽媽的病惡化了。
- It is estimated that the damage was over one million dollars. 據估計,損失超過了一百萬元。
- I learned the news about her mother' s illness firsthand from Lena. 我直接從麗娜那裡了解到她母親生病的消息。
- They spent over one million dollars on the campaign. 他們花了一百多萬美元競選。
- If they would put their heads together, they would find ways to tide over the difficulty. 如果他們集思廣益,他們就能找到渡過困難的辦法。
- Please give us a90-day extension on loan repayment to help us tide over current financial difficulty. 請給我們延長90天的貸款償還期限,以便克服目前的財政困難。
- I want to glance over one time this piece of prose. 我想瀏覽一下這篇散文。