- The converter units generate harmonics which flow in the AC and DC lines.
換流器單元產生的諧波會流過交流和直流線路。 - Visitors can observe the guard screen of the infrared laser through the night vision snooper scope.
它的頂部是一個球型的高壓電極,在下部底箱內有一直流高壓電源。 - Numerical experiments were performed to investigate the instability of flow and heat transfer in a heated rotating cavity with cool air axial throughflow.
- flow-through accounting 實繳稅收會計核算...
- flow-through ionophoresis 流通離子電泳...
- through flow turbine 貫流式水輪機...
- through flow 通流
- flow-through method 跨期所得稅當期計納法...
- flow-through colorimeter 流通式比色計...
- flow through 流過
- flow-through detector 直通型檢測器...
- flow-through cell 流通池
- flow-through electrophoresis 流通電泳
- flow-through colourimeter 流通式比色計...