- We call for thrifty and simple life. 我們提倡儉樸的生活。
- We advocate / call for a thrifty and simple life. 我們提倡儉樸的生活。
- We encourage thrifty and simple life. 我們提倡儉樸的生活。
- We call for thrifty and simple lives. 我們提倡儉樸的生活。
- He led a thrifty and simple life although he was an official. 他雖然當官,但生活儉樸。
- Take an active part in physical labour, and be thrifty and simple in daily life. 積极參加勞動,生活儉樸。
- Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Sung, there was an old farmer who lived a very thrifty and simple life.He lived in a hut made of bamboo, and wore tattered clothes made of cotton. 古時候,宋國有一個種田的老農夫,他一輩子過著很儉樸的生活,住的是竹子蓋的茅屋,穿的是破舊的粗布衣服,都市裡的高樓大廈,有錢人穿的棉襖啦,皮衣啦,他從來就沒看見過。
- My mother is a thrifty and industrious woman. 我母親是一位節儉勤勉的婦女。
- She is also a thrifty and industrious woman. 她同時也是一個節儉而進取的人。
- Crude and simple, this place had to serve as the meeting hall. 這地方雖然簡陋,卻是我們的會議廳。
- We should inherit Chinese morality of thrifty and hardship. 我們應當繼承中華民族勤儉、耐勞的美德。
- The reason for the change is lack of money, pure and simple. 進行更改的原因就是缺少經費。
- The Dwarves are known to be thrifty and even tight-fisted. 矮人以其節約甚至吝嗇而聞名。
- This is slander, pure and simple. 這純系毀謗。
- Be thrifty and hardworking in whatever undertaking you are to start on. 辦任何事情都要勤儉。
- A frugal and simple life should be advocated. 我們提倡儉樸的生活。
- His philosophy was honest and simple. 他的哲學是誠實和直率。
- The message must be kept clear and simple. 內容必須簡潔而準確。
- Primary memory is known as random access memory(RAM) and simple named memory. 主存儲器又稱為隨機存取存儲器,簡稱內存。
- As a result, the rich blink another time Heng Kong born, a simple and thrifty and the poorhouse so the annihilation. 於是,瞬時間又一有錢人橫空出世,一個勤儉樸素的窮人家就這樣湮沒了。