- The woman waring her pant at three o clock. 男孩子們七點半在卧室里玩耍。
- But, hard as the work is and senseless as Seryozhka』s commands are, by three o』clock there is a large circle of dark water in the Bystryanka. 然而不管這個工作多麼艱苦,不管謝遼日卡的命令多麼混亂,可是到下午三點鐘,貝斯特良卡河上已經有個滿是黑水的大圓圈了。
- They reached Zenith at about three o"clock in the morning and went immediately to the home of the telegraph operator. 凌晨3點鐘左右,他們到達了澤尼斯,並立即趕到了報務員的家裡。
- After the heavy snowfall the groundsman was whistling in the dark when he promised that the pitch would be clear for a three o' kick-off. 大雪之後,球場管理員答應3點鐘足球比賽之前能把球場清理乾淨時,他實在是在強鼓勇氣。
- They worked so hard that soon they had nothing else to do nike dunks they could be found at three o』clock in the morning with their arms crossed, counting the notes in the waltz of jordans the clock. 樓主,是你讓我深深地理解了『人外有人,天外有天』這句話。謝謝儂!在看完這帖子以後,我沒有立即回復,因為我生怕我庸俗不堪的回復會玷污了這網上少有的帖子。
- The approximate time is three o' clock 大概的時間是三點鐘。
- The team arrived back in Gatwick from last night's win in Sofia at three o' this morning. 球隊在客場擊敗了索菲亞列夫斯基之後,於次日凌晨3點,抵達了倫敦的蓋特威克機場。
- Last night at our fraternity house we had a bull session which lasted until three o'. 昨晚,我們在兄弟會會議廳漫淡,一直談到下半夜3點鐘。
- Come, stir, stir, stir! The second cock hath crow'd, the curfew-bell hath rung,' tis three o': Look to the baked meats, good Angelica: Spare not for the cost. 來,趕緊點兒,趕緊點兒!雞已經叫了第二次,晚鐘已經打過,到三點鐘了。好安吉麗加,當心看看肉餅有沒有烤焦。多花幾個錢沒有關係。
- About three o' the four couples, frightened at their happiness, were sliding down the Russian mountains, a singular edifice which then occupied the heights of Beaujon, and whose undulating line was visible above the trees of the Champs Elysees. 三點左右,這四對樂不可支的朋友,跑上了俄羅斯山,那是當時在波戎高地上的一種新奇建築物,我們從愛麗舍廣場的樹梢上望過去,便可以望見它那婉蜒曲折的線路。
- At three o' the sound of fireworks, let off on the Piazza del Popolo and the Piazza di Venezia( heard with difficulty amid the din and confusion) announced that the races were about to begin. 三點鐘的時候,在喧鬧和混亂之中,隱約可聽到波波羅廣場和威尼斯宮發出的爆竹聲,這是在宣布賽馬快要開始了。
- Excuse me. This is a clock I buy in your store three day ago. 對不起,這鐘是三天前在你們商店買的。
- Zhengzhou three OK Education Services Limited 鄭州三人行教育服務有限公司
- The hands of the clock now pointed to half past three. 這時鐘的指針指向三點半。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三個鐘點才回到家。
- Our family reunions are always three ring circus. 我家合家團聚的場面總是熱鬧非凡。
- The train arrived on the dot of three o'clock. 那輛火車三點鐘準時到達。
- Her family lives three li away from her school. 她家住在離學校有三里路的地方。
- We spied three figures in the distance. 我們望見遠處有三個人影兒。
- The earthwork was cast up in three hours. 土方工程在三小時內就完成了。