- Solid,liquid and gas is the three state of matter. 固體、液體和氣體是物質的三種狀態。
- Matter is thought of as existing in three states. 物質被認為存在有三態。
- One radio network serves three states. 服務三個洲的廣播網
- Most matter has three states,solid ,liquid and gas. 大多數物質有三種狀態, 固體, 液體, 汽體。
- A bill in effect in three states,the GI Bill. 在三個州生效的法案;美國軍事法。
- There are three states of such inactivity. 這種不活躍有三種情況。
- M-exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas. 物質以三種狀態存在: 固態、液態和氣態。
- Matter has three states: solids, liquids and gases. 物質有三種形態:固態、液態和氣態。
- There are three states of such inactivity . 這種不活躍有三種情況。
- The three State Policy Banks accumulate capital by issuing treasury bonds to commercial banks and the market. 這三家國家政策性銀行通過向商業銀行和市場發行債券籌集資金。
- Click on the mouse games beneath three state to transform huge, or using keyboard arrow keys can be. 滑鼠點擊遊戲下方三個狀態來變換擎天柱,或者用鍵盤上下鍵也可以。
- Solid, liquid and gas are the three states in which matter exists. 固體、液體和氣體是物質存在的三態。
- From the mountain peak we commanded a view of three States. 從山頂我們可以眺三個州。
- The national park of Huangshi of U.S.A. lies in three state intersection in Wyoming of the northwestern part of U.S. 美國黃石國家公園位於美國西北部懷俄明、蒙大拿、愛達荷三州交界處。
- Solid ,liquid and gas are the three states of matter . 固體、液體和氣體是物質的三種狀態。
- Solid,liquid and gas are the three states in which matter exists. 固體、液體和氣體是物質存在的三態。
- Matter can assume any one of three states, gas, liquid, or solid. 物質可表現為氣態,液態或固態。
- Matter generally exists in three states: gas, liquid and solid. 物質通常有三態:氣態,液態,固態。
- We are all familiar with the three states of matter. 我們都熟悉物質的三態。
- Solid, liquid and gas are the three states of matter. 固態、液態和氣態是物質的三種狀態。